Year 1: Extreme Weather – Outside English texts/video stimulus: Rosie’s Hat – Julia Donaldson Feel the wind – Arthur Dorros Hurricane – David Wiesner What will the weather be? - Lynda DeWitt Hide and seek fog – Alvin Tresselt Come on rain! Karen Hesse Rain – Peter Spiers Cloudette – Tom Lichtenheld Kipper’s book of weather – Mick Inkpen Elmer’s weather – David McKee English Writing Opportunities: Weather reports. Weather diaries. Weather based stories. Weather poems. Art and Design: Drawing shadow objects with the sun. Cloud representations with chalks and watered down paint. Can you use the weather outside to make art work? What could you use? How could you measure the weather? Can you make something to catch the rain? Could you make something to show if the wind is blowing? Can the wind make a noise? Design and Technology: Create weather measuring instruments. Create musical weather instruments. Science: Design and make a kite. Creating a tornado. Weather sensory bottles. Cloud jars. Wind chimes / wind streamers Year 1: Extreme Weather – Outside Mathematics: Weather recording / diary. Creating bar charts/pictograms of weather observed. How cold is it? – temperature recordings and comparisons. Can you make a kite? What would you use? Does it make a difference if you have long or short string? How could you make a tornado? What could you use? Can you make something to see the wind? Can it make a sound? What would you use? What objects can you use to represent different weathers? How can you represent a hot/cold/temperate climate? What colours would you use? Would you add texture? Can you use a variety of different resources to make representations? Geography: Creating representations of climates of our country and other countries. Explore hot, cold and temperate colours linked to climates and weather. How can you show what the weather is each day? How would you record it? What would you need to include? How can you show this information in a maths way? Can you find out and represent the favourite weather of everyone in year 1? How cold is it? How can we measure and record that information? Can you tell me if the temperature has been the same or different? Next steps: