REV Campus Challenge Lindsay Holle AEE Capital District November 8, 2016
Agenda REV Campus Challenge overview REV CC member update Member benefits Recognition Workshops Technical and financial assistance
REV Campus Challenge Recognize and support C&U clean energy actions On campus In the classroom In the community Governor’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) REV CC is part of Governor Cuomo’s REV, a strategy to build a clean, resilient, and affordable energy system for all New Yorkers. Talk more about the ways in which a campus can be recognized later in the presentation.
Eligibility ALL colleges and universities Two- and four-year Public and private Statewide ALL levels of clean energy expertise Contact person on institution staff/faculty Recognize that colleges and universities exist in various forms and sizes, each with its own unique path to delivering educational success and adopting clean energy technologies. In recognition of this fact, REV CC has identified three distinct membership levels.
Membership Membership Levels No fees Participant Achiever Leader No fees Integrates seamlessly with existing goals Intent – tailor resources and activities provided by or nurtured by the REV CC with the needs and barriers affecting that membership group. i.e. AASHE STARS, NYCCC, EO88/NYEM Integrates with goals and reporting
Current Membership – 55 Total
Current Membership – 55 Total
Member Benefits Amplify your outreach and marketing through recognition Achieve statewide, national acknowledgement of your commitment to clean energy from expert, third party Make your institution more attractive to prospective students, faculty Prepare students for growing clean energy job market Get technical and financial resources to help you succeed Lower energy bills, enhance resiliency, reduce GHG Mentor and collaborate with other institutions Build stronger relationships with surrounding community
Member Benefits Targeted recognition for progress toward and achievement of clean energy goals Exclusive access to funding to drive clean energy projects and initiatives Regular opportunities to have your needs heard by NYSERDA Venues for resource and best practices sharing
Membership Join your Peers! Clean Energy Activities Survey Faculty or staff contact REV CC Member Agreement Self-select membership level CE Activities Survey – only about 20 questions, all checkboxes (yes or no) – help you understand the realm of CE opportunities for C&U, and help with self-selection Faculty/Staff contact – we will follow up with this individual after we review your online submission. Member Agreement – Does require online initial by a President or designee. – Very short statement illustrating your institution’s intent to advance its clean energy initiatives and, in doing so, engage with the campus and surrounding community to promote clean energy efforts.
Areas of Contribution Campus Classroom Community Clean energy investment, GHG reduction Classroom Educate Integrate Allocate Community Partnership, coordination Workforce development Campus Set and make progress toward GHG reduction goal Engage in existing statewide, national challenges that support goals Classroom Educate students about sustainability concepts and clean energy practices Integrate concepts into existing curricula or create new courses Allocate institutional resources for R&D in sustainability fields Community Interact and engage with surrounding community to promote adoption of clean energy technologies and sustainability practices Result in GHG emission reduction and avoidance
Recognition ALL members Highlight cool clean energy project, initiative Make, renew a clean energy commitment Reach milestone in existing challenges, activities, or contests All members will be recognized for one or more of the following: Challenges – i.e. AASHE STARS, ACUPCC, NYC CC) Milestones – must embody any of the three REV CC Areas of Contribution (i.e. awarded EO88 Energy Manager of the Year, receiving AASHE STARS Gold/Silver/Bronze for the first time)
Recognition First Movers – joined in first six months 30% of target REV CC membership in first year Princeton Review Green Honor Roll AASHE 2016 Sustainable Campus Index 30% -> 120 (48%) institutions by 2019, 140 (56%) institutions by 2022, 150 (60%) institutions by 2025 Princeton Review – SUNY ESF, Cornell
Recognition Could look like… Ongoing Facebook, twitter, other social media REV CC website Emails Conferences, events Awards Certificates, plaques Ongoing Leveraging existing energy-related conferences as a recognition platform Recognition – first movers, 30% member goal, Princeton Review Green Honor Roll, AASHE annual report Plans to make much more concerted effort to recognize members going into 2017 and beyond
Workshops Held Spring 2016 Focused discussion: 40+ attendees, 30+ institutions Focused discussion: Challenges to implementing clean energy on campus Potential solutions, opportunities for NYSERDA intervention Upcoming programs direct result of workshop feedback Will hold another - Spring 2017 V successful/valuable, follow-up survey to confirm take-aways Expert round robin style? Breakouts – learn and discuss obstacles, possible interventions
Upcoming Funding/Assistance REV CC member exclusive! Technical assistance Open enrollment through July 2018 Cost shared - higher than FlexTech Student assistance grants Target – Participant member level Roadmap - actionable next steps If don’t see what you want/need – go to FT
Upcoming Funding/Assistance REV CC members – Early 2017 Based on workshop feedback Student/faculty engagement Smaller awards Project-based REV CC workshop - Spring 2017
Current Funding/Assistance FlexTech Up to $250k each project; open to all Real Time Energy Management Choose a Qualified Vendor Cost-sharing for installation and up to 5 years of analytic services that will provide recommendations to reduce energy usage Commercial Implementation Assistance Up to $150k each project Works in conjunction with local utility programs
Summary and Next Steps Recognition for clean energy activities Campus, classroom, community Exclusive access to funding and resources Get your voice heard – Workshops Join your peers – 55 members and counting! Join today! Recognition – progress toward and achievement of Funding – to drive CE projects/initiatives, so we can recognize you Workshops – regular opportunity to voice your concerns, have them translated into real support
Questions Web: Email: Lindsay Holle, NYSERDA Sophie Cardona, NYSERDA NYPA Luthin Associates