The Cold War Fighting Ideologies
Yalta conference Who was there? Why was it held? Joseph Stalin (USSR), Franklin D. Roosevelt (USA) and Winston Churchill (UK). Why was it held? To demand the unconditional surrender of Germany and Adolf Hitler What was accomplished? Agreed Germany was to be split into 4 zones to be occupied by the Allied Powers. Zone 1 – USA Zone 2 – USSR Zone 3 – France Zone 4 – UK
capitalism vs. Communism Communism is a type of government and philosophy. Its goal is to form a society where everything is shared equally. capitalism An economic system based on private ownership (rather than government ownership) and the free market system. Harry Truman Joseph Stalin
Soviet aggression During World War II Post War Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, parts of Finland were gained during world war II. Post War Satellite states: a country that is formally independent but under heavy political, economic and military influence of another country. Soviet Satellite States: East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Albania
Arms race Nuclear Defense Mutual Assured Destruction US is first to develop nuclear weapons during WWII through the Manhattan Project The Soviets created their first nuclear bomb in 1945 The Cold war was characterized by fear of nuclear war. Defense Both built up arms and detection tools in fear of another global conflict Civilians built bomb shelters Mutual Assured Destruction It wouldn't matter how successful the first strike was (with the use of Nuclear weapons), the other side could still retaliate and destroy the country which first attacked. Neither side ever used nuclear weapons. The cost was too high.
Space race Both countries announced they were starting space programs in 1955 The Soviet’s took the US’s announcement as a challenge First Man in Space Soviets: April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first man to orbit the Earth in the spacecraft Vostok I. First Man on the Moon Americans: Apollo 11 spacecraft was launched into space on July 16, 1969. The crew included astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. The trip to the Moon took three days.
Berlin wall Tear Down That Wall! What is it? When was it built? A wall to separate eastern communist Germany from western democratic Germany. When was it built? It was build by east Germany in 1961 Why was it built? To stop eastern communist Germans from fleeing into west Germany How long did it last? Until 1989
Proxy wars What is it? What are some examples? The Cold War was often fought between the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union in something called a proxy war. These were wars fought between other countries, but with each side getting support from a different superpower. What are some examples? Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Yom Kippur War, and the Soviet Afghanistan War.