WHAT IS YOUTH DESK Youth Desk is a structure established by the SAPS and Dept of Community Safety to bring young people together from organisations, churches, schools and the general public
AGE ? 18 to 35
AIM The aim is to improve co-operation between the police and youth to fight crime! To address causes of crime through projects and activities TOGETHER!
THE STRUCTURE It is a sub-Division of the station’s Community Policing Forum It is a platform for providing developmental training of youth
THE YOUTH CRIME PREVENTION DESK Works with Sandton SAPS, Sandton CPF, Department of Community Safety and Municipal Governments to identify youth safety challenges, and to develop and implement relevant projects to address these challenges. These projects are guided by the youth, and are specific to the community’s needs
PROGRAMMES : Education and skills development Alcohol and drug abuse Unemployment Peer pressure Lack of role models Child led homes Crime Poor/bad role models Teen pregnancies Gangsterism Materialism Poverty
CONTINUED Homeless y0uth Needs to better basic living conditions
WHAT WILL YOUTH BENEFIT FROM JOINING YOUTH DESK Work experience. Meet people you might not ordinary meet. Good for your cv especially for further education. Gives you a position within the community . Gives you a sence of pride, feeling needed and valued. Strengthen communities. Be part of the community policing forum.
HOW DO I JOIN? A short CV, copy of your ID and proof of residence. Contact your SAPS Youth Desk Co-ordinator Sgt Segoa Sandton SAPS 011 722 4279 082 644 1619