Dansk Nefrologi 1964-2015 James Heaf2, Søren Schwartz Sørensen, Karin Skov3, Eirild Espersen3, Claus Bistrup4 Rigshospitalet, Herlev Hospital, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Odense Universitetshospital
EDTA founded 2.9.1963
First EDTA Council Meeting 1965 Jørn Hess Thaysen RH EDTA President 1975-78
First EDTA Registry Report 1965 43 centers 271 patients 265 HD 6 PD Alberts C., Drukker W. Report on regular dialysis in Europe. Proc Eur Dial Transplant Assoc 1965; 2: 82-94
No./million population EDTA 1965-70 Haemodialysis 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1-year mortality (%) 41 40 32 31 30 26 No. Patients 160 295 621 1281 2044 2816 Home dialysis (%) 1.5 1.6 2.0 6.0 7.0 6.5 Transplant status 1969 No. patients No./million population Europe 500 1.5 Denmark 81 16.5 Sweden 120 15.2
European ESRD 1971
Registration Danmark 1969
Sources Data registration complete from 1990 onwards in the Danish Nephrology Registry Transplantation incidence and prevalence 1964-1990 Transplant center archives Dialysis incidence: no data Dialysis prevalence 1969-1990 Udvalg vedrørende organisation af dialyse og transplantationsbehandling i Danmark
Transplant Activity Denmark 1964-2015
Living donor relative transplant incidence Denmark 1964-2015
Living donor relative transplant prevalence Denmark 1964-2015
Transplant Prevalence Denmark 1964-2015
Transplant Activity Denmark 1964-2015
Transplant Activity Denmark 1964-2015
Transplant Activity Denmark 1964-2015
Recipient Age at Transplantation Deceased Donor Living Donor Median (IQRange)
Graft Survival 1964-2015 Deceased Donor Living Donor
10-year graft survival: Graft survival >1 year only
Mortality 1964-2015 Censored for graft loss Deceased Donor Living Donor
10-year mortality: Graft survival >1 year only
Relative risk of graft failure and patient death Adjusted for age.
Warm ischaemia time 1964-1989
Cold ischaemia time
Relative risk of graft failure and patient death Adjusted for age
ESRD prevalence Denmark 1964-2015 *Including home IPD until 1984 **Including home IPD after 1984
ESRD relative prevalence Denmark 1964-2015 *Including home IPD until 1984 **Including home IPD after 1984
Dialysis relative center prevalence Denmark 1964-2015 *Including home IPD until 1984 **Including home IPD after 1984
Living Donors: Donor source
Living donors: Donor Source
Living donors: Donor source and recipient age
Living Donors: donor source related to cohort and recipient age
Living Donors: donor source related to cohort and recipient age