Review G and H – Civil War, Red Terror, War Communism and NEP Warm UP – Who’s that Czar? REVIEW QUES/VIDEO: February Revolution of 1917 REVIES QUES/VIDEO: October Revolution of 1917; COPY TERMS SOCRATIVE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT E and F Review G and H – Civil War, Red Terror, War Communism and NEP
February Revolution - Uprising in 1917 that ended a 400 year old monarchy and established a democracy. Provisional Government - A temporary government to rule Russia until a democratic assembly could be elected to create a new permanent system of government. October Revolution - When the Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government and took power.
Image G/H: Civil War, War Communism & Red Terror; New Policies and New Leadership
Image G: Civil War 1. After the October Revolution, what actions were taken by the Bolsheviks to try to keep control? 2. What happened to the first elected national assembly in Russia and why? 3. What were the 2 sides called in the Civil War? Which side did the U.S. support? 4. Who won the Civil War? What was the name of the new country?
Image G: Civil War After the October Revolution, what actions were taken by the Bolsheviks to try to keep control? What happened to the first elected national assembly in Russia and why?
The Bolsheviks seized power quickly but were not completely in control The Bolsheviks seized power quickly but were not completely in control. Many people opposed the new government. An election was held in November 1917. The Bolsheviks did badly but Lenin had no intention of losing power. He was determined to make Russia communist. Answer: From the very beginning Lenin set to destroy all opposition parties. He used both censorship and secret police to do this. Terror tactics often were used against any counter revolutionaries. He disbanded the National Assembly (only 25% were Bolsheviks) Russia became a 1 party state.
Bolshevik gov’t signs Treaty with Germany – Nov., 1918 After the October Revolution, the Russian people were desperate for peace with Germany. The Germans made harsh demands. Lenin was afraid that if a peace treaty was not signed, German troops would capture Petrograd.
In March 1918 the two sides finally signed the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. Many Russians felt that the treaty brought a shameful peace. The Russians were forced to give up territory that included: 34% of Russia’s population 32% of Russia’s agricultural land 54% of Russia’s factories 89% of Russia’s coal mines
Image G: Civil War (10:04-32)
Image G: Civil War 3. What were the 2 sides called in the Civil War? Which side did the U.S. support?
The 2 sides of the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR!!! The White Army consisted of anyone opposed to the Communists (formerly the Bolsheviks): Russians who wanted the czar back in power; supporters of the Provisional Gov’t and capitalist democracy, some Mensheviks, and Socialist Revolutionaries. The Bolsheviks formed an army called the Red Army in Feb 1918. In March the Bolsheviks renamed their political party, the Communist Party. The 2 sides of the RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR!!!
The summer of 1918 saw the start of a terrible civil war in Russia The summer of 1918 saw the start of a terrible civil war in Russia. The Red Army – the Communists fought the White Army who had been supported with arms/supplies by US, France, and GB. The Greens were peasants who sought to keep their land from White or Red control.
1918 – 1922 CIVIL WAR raged in Russia Leon Trotsky (former leader of the Mensheviks) commanded Bolshevik Red Army 15 million Russians died from fighting, hunger, and flu epidemic
Image G: Civil War 4. Who won the Civil War? What was the name of the new country?
By 1922 The Red Army had defeated the Greens and the Whites By 1922 The Red Army had defeated the Greens and the Whites. The Communists joined 6 self-governing republics together to form The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov a. k. a Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov a.k.a. “Lenin” was one of the leading political figures and revolutionary thinkers of the 20th century, who masterminded the Bolshevik take-over of power in Russia in 1917, and was the architect and first head of the USSR.
Image H: War Communism & the Red Terror; New Policies & New Leadership
Image H: War Communism & the Red Terror; New Policies & New Leadership What was “War Communism” and how did the peasants react to it? Describe the “Red Terror”. What changes did the “New Economic Policy” institute? Do you think Lenin’s communist revolution was successful? Why or why not?
Image H: War Communism What was war communism and how did the peasants react to it?
WAR COMMUNISM The civil war forced Lenin to introduce this policy: The gov’t took over all private businesses and industries and dictated what was to be produced. (The people did not have a say in this. ) Peasant farmers were forced to provide grain and other produce to the cities and army. Groups of unhappy peasants rose in revolt.
Image H: The Red Terror; 2. Describe the Red Terror.
Secret police arrested any person suspected of being an enemy of the revolution. These people were faced with harsh punishments. Thousands more died in prison camps. Faced with this unrest, Lenin and the communists used extreme measures to stay in power – THE RED TERROR The police were permitted to execute anyone they arrested. Hundreds of thousands were killed - this included – the czar and his family!
On the 16th July 1918, secret police took the Czar and his family into the cellar of the home where they were being held hostage. They opened fire and killed them all. Video 10:33- 12:01
Image H: New Policies What changes did the New Economic Policy institute?
PEASANT REVOLTS continue! From War Communism to the NEP Lenin Restores Order: New Economic Policy (1921) –relaxed the extreme policies of war communism –he put in place a small scale version of capitalism
Communist Capitalism? Gov’t kept control of major industries, banks, & means of communication He let some small factories, businesses, & farms operate under private ownership! Peasants could sell surplus crops and individuals could buy and sell goods for profit! Lenin also tried to encourage foreign investment.
New Policies & New Leadership Image H: War Communism & the Red Terror; New Policies & New Leadership 4. Do you think Lenin’s communist revolution was successful? Why or why not? Whites: Civil War Propaganda Poster – “The Winner”
Lenin dies (1924) The USSR slowly recovered b/c of the new policies and peace following the civil war Lenin didn’t live to see the recovery. His death opened a power struggle for control of the party and the country Joseph Stalin secured power for himself by 1928
The Reds - The Bolshevik/Communist side of the Russian Civil War (1918-1922) The Whites - The Anti-Communist forces of the Russian Civil War (1918-1922) USSR (1922) - The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ; also called the Soviet Union War Communism - Policy used by Lenin’s government to take over all private businesses and industries and to decide what was to be produced New Economic Policy – A “reshaped” form of communism used by Lenin’s government to end peasant revolts by allowing some private ownership of businesses Joseph Stalin - Followed Lenin as new leader of the Communist Party
Joseph Stalin secures power for himself by 1928 New Leadership Joseph Stalin secures power for himself by 1928