Try-thagorean Theorem Problems! 1/19: We will learn to apply Pythagorean Theorem to solve for missing side lengths of right triangles. Do Now: Have Out: - Today’s Handouts - HW due today Try-thagorean Theorem Problems! Agenda: Do Now! & Check Gallery Walk (DUE BY END OF CLASS!!!!!!!) Homework Handout (7 problems) 1st Period
New HW Policy It is an expectation that you complete HW daily It’s Important, We can do it, I’m here to help you! If you do not have your HW two days in a row, then you will be assigned an automatic lunch detention. Skipping lunch detention = after-school detention
Post HW Quiz Agenda Green: Congrats on owning your learning & being ready for class today! Complete Gallery Walk of problems – due for grade at end of class Not Green yet: I want to help you own your learning: Complete HW due today now. You have 1 week (by 11/20) to complete the Gallery Walk of problems for a grade