First Grade Newsletter May 8-12 Mrs. Sellars ksellars@g-pisd,org Conference: Mon-Thurs 10:35-11:25 Events: May 8-10- STAAR testing May 9- Progress Reports May 12- READAPOOLZA/ PJ Day May 17th- K-2 Atten”DANCE” for perfect attendance (details to come) May 18th- Author Visit May 19th- Field Day (details to come) Spelling Words wrong write crumb thumb gnaw squirt throw sprain spring shrimp Sight Words Review ALL Sight words Class News: 5/11- spelling test and sight word test Library- ALL library books must be turned in by Friday May 12th. Book Bags- Friday Please make sure your student is at school everyday and on time! Curriculum: Grammar- nouns and verbs Reading- author study of Robert Munsch Phonics- consonant blends Math- story Problems, review Social Studies- Economic Decisions May 12th- READAPOOLZA : students are encouraged to wear their PJ’s and bring their favorite books for a fun day of reading. If you would like to come share your favorite book with the class please email me so I can schedule you in our schedule.