Greek Architecture and Culture Dr Greek Architecture and Culture Dr. Khaled Mohamed Dewidar Professor of Architecture Ain Shams University Cairo - Egypt
A) Historical Background
Historical Background Location Greek civilization occurred in the area around the Greek mainland, on a peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea Greek civilization spread to other far away places including Asia Minor and Northern Africa
The Greek World
Historical Background Location Most of the Greek mainland was rocky and barren and therefore bad for agriculture Most Greeks therefore lived along the coastline or on islands where the soil was good for farming The Aegean and Mediterranean Seas provided a means of communication and trade with other places
Historical Background Period The period of ancient Greek history can be divided into four as follows: 1100 B. C. – 750 B. C. Greek Dark Ages 750 B. C. – 500 B. C. Archaic Period 500 B. C. – 323 B. C. Classical Period 323 B. C. – 147 B. C. Hellenistic Period The classical and archaic period are sometimes collectively referred to as Hellenic period
Architectural Characteristics Buildings and other architectural elements Building materials, construction and technologies Architectural Organizing principles
Architectural Characteristics
Buildings & Other Arch Elements
Buildings & Other Arch. Elements Building Types The major architectural element of the Greek civilization is the order and their principal building type is the temple Greek buildings also feature civic buildings such as theater, council chamber, stoa, etc Greeks invented the classical orders of architecture Their invention of the orders was a result of the search for rational methods of expressing beauty The orders embody a system of proportion that determines how the whole building looks An order consist of a column shaft with its base and capital, and an entablature All its dimensions were derived from the diameter of the column The entablature is further divided into architrave, frieze and cornice
Buildings & Other Arch. Elements Building Types Three orders of architecture were invented by Greeks; Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Doric was the earliest and has a square capital and the stoutest proportion, resembling the power of a man Ionic was taller in its proportion, has a volute capital and resembles the proportion of a maiden Corinthian has the same characteristics with the Ionic except that its capital is decorated with the Acanthus leaf Temples were the principal building types of the Greeks Temples were considered as house of the Gods and efforts to beautify them pushed architectural development
Buildings & Other Arch. Elements Building Types Temples were design to be seen and appreciated rather than used The evolution of the orders led to standard temple forms based on them Towards the later part of the Greek civilization, there was also a focus on civic construction The Greeks needed civic buildings to support their democratic institutions and also satisfy their social and recreational needs Council chambers, theaters, Stoas, were among the civic buildings that became popular with the city states
Materials, Const. & Tech.
Materials, Construction & Tech. Materials Examination of Greek architecture points to three common materials of construction These are Stone, timber and clay Stone was the most common construction material for buildings Greece had an abundant supply of stone, particularly marble Stone was used for all types of temple and civic construction It was used for all type of building elements The characteristic grey color of the stone of the area is also what gives most ancient Greek buildings their characteristics color
Materials, Construction & Tech. Materials Timber was used mainly for roofing It was a very scarce commodity and it also had limited length This limited its use The limitation in length meant that the width of buildings was restricted and only very important buildings such as the Parthenon could go beyond a certain width We did not examine Houses but clay was used mostly in housing construction Clay was made into sun dried blocks for use in construction
Materials, Construction & Tech. Construction and Technology The principal Building Material of ancient Greece was stone The principal construction system was trabeated or column and beam construction Combined, the two were used for temples and civic buildings Construction technology involves ordering stones in semi-prepared state from quarries, On site, they were roughly shaped and placed in position on the building Elements placed in position would be been sized to the right proportion
Materials, Construction & Tech. Construction and Technology Building blocks were not bonded, but are rather held in position by their weight Then the rough stones were finished to achieve the final form and treatment of the building Finishing enables the builders to create buildings of a particular order It is in finishing that the Greeks showed their mastery of construction Finishing work involved creating the fluting, base and capital decoration on columns The Frieze and cornices of buildings were also decorated with appropriate relief carving
Materials, Construction & Tech. Construction and Technology Pediments were also finished with relief carvings, which in temples depict stories of the gods Full statues of gods were also carved and placed on strategic places on the outside of the temple and also as the major element in the interior The Greeks essentially formalized architectural sculpture and decoration They were able to effectively translate their ideas of beauty into tangible buildings Ancient Greeks did not make significant contributions in the aspect of building technologies
Principles of Arch. Organization
Principles of Arch. Organization Principles It is possible to understand forces and principles shaping Greek architecture by examining the following issues; The role of religion in architectural development Ideas about architectural aesthetics Principles of architectural organization Principles of city planning and urban design
Principles of Arch. Organization The Role of Religion in Arch. Dev. Religion played a significant role in the development of Greek architecture Architecture started in the service of religion The important question for Greek architects was the right form of the temple Temples were the house of the Gods The duty of the architect was to make them beautiful The search for how to make the temple beautiful resulted in the establishment of Greek ideals of beauty Greek ideals of beauty was rooted in mathematical proportions
Principles of Arch. Organization Ideas about Architectural Aesthetics The Greeks believed that mathematical proportion is at the root of beauty They also believed that the human body has the best of proportions Greeks also valued harmony, balance and symmetry in design Greeks developed principles based on their believes about aesthetics These principles were refined over time as they are applied in building With time they developed into a standard that is widely applied
Principles of Arch. Organization Ideas about Architectural Aesthetics Builders exerted great effort in ensuring that buildings were created to meet the aesthetic ideals of the society The Greeks in essence became the first society to have well established ideas about architectural aesthetics with principles for their translation into physical design
Principles of Arch. Organization Principles of Organization The Greek ideals of mathematical proportion was applied in architecture through the use of the orders The orders provide a means to codify mathematical proportioning, by linking all the elements of the building with the diameter of the column The orders were also viewed as anthropomorphic, representing the human body
Principles of Arch. Organization Principles of Organization The Doric represents a man and the Ionic and Corinthian represent a woman The use of the orders also provided a means for the Greeks to design buildings to meet their ideals of harmony, balance and symmetry The use of optical correction, entasis, is a pointer to the desire of the Greeks to achieve their ideals of beauty in architecture
Principles of Arch. Organization Principles of City Planning & Design Ancient Greeks not only develop ideals of architectural aesthetics, but they also developed principles for the design and planning of cities as location for architecture The ancient Greek city states developed a standard plan of the city The city consisted of three defined elements; the town, acropolis and Agora Principles were developed for organizing each element of the city based on activities and its symbolism The town was a place to retire for the day It was composed of simple courtyard houses separated by streets It could either be organic or grid-iron
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