We Love Animals Part A Let’s Learn Teached by: Amy
Let’s go to the farm!
What’s this? It’s a duck. Duck,duck,It's a duck. I love ducks. duck s
What’s this? It’s a dog. dog s Dog,dog,It's a dog. I love dogs.
What’s this? It’s a cat. Cat,cat,It's a cat. I love cats. cat s
pig s What can you hear? What’s this? It’s a pig. Pig,pig,It's a pig. I love pigs! pig s
What's this? It's a bear. bear s Bear,bear,It's a bear. I love bears!
Game time
Act like a cat. Act like a pig. Act like a duck. Act like a dog. Let's Do! Act like a cat. Act like a pig. Act like a duck. Act like a dog.
what we have learnd? duck cat dog bear pig What's this? It's a...
Homework Make a headdress of your favourite animal.
动物是我们的朋友 保护动物,人人有责