Welcome to Parent Night! First Grade Maple Elementary Mrs. Julie Stevens Room 1
My Family
Communication Check your child’s folder daily Please return the folder to school every day Classroom Newsletter (Printed/Online) My contact information School Website Corporation Website Twitter @me1stevens
First Grade Schedule 8:15-8:30 Arrival/Morning Meeting 8:35-9:20 Related Arts 9:20-9:50 Number Corner 9:50-10:20 Social Sciences 10:20-10:50 SST (Student Success Time) 11:30-12:00 Writing 12:00-1:30 Reading Block 1:30-1:55 Recess 2:00-3:00 Math 3:00-3:15 Daily Closure/Dismissal
Related Arts Schedule Monday - Art Tuesday - P.E. (athletic shoes) Wednesday - Music Thursday - Library Friday - FAB FRIDAY
Transportation Changes Send Email or note stating the change. If Email, also send to Cathy Mattozzi, our attendance secretary. camattozzi@avon-schools.org If you need to call, please note phone calls may not be honored after 2:00pm. Please sign in and out in the office.
Recess Outdoor as much as possible! Raining, snowing, below 20 degrees, including wind chill factor=INSIDE Dress for the weather! No backless shoes (such as flip flops)
Birthdays Student will be announced on the Maple News, get a prize from the office, and a crown to wear from me Classroom snacks or parties are not permitted Student Directory-fill out form if interested; this can be used for invitations
Homework Homework will start soon! Read 20 minutes every night No homework on Fridays! Always check and empty the folder Help your child develop good homework and organization skills
Field Trips 2-3 trips throughout the year Chaperones are needed! All chaperones MUST have a background check on file. Information sent home well in advance
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade Bridges Math Curriculum Develops students’ deep understanding of mathematical concepts and proficiency with key skills Blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration Ask your student about their favorite workplace game. Number Corner Skill-building program revolves around classroom calendar Daily practice of skills and broad mathematical concepts through “workout” routines Ask your student about the Calendar Grid pattern. Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade What do Parents and Families Need to Know? Math is FUN! Making mistakes is a natural part of learning. We will persevere through solving problems, using many different strategies to make sense of mathematical concepts. Homework is practice of skills. Homework is not daily. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade What do Parents and Families Need to Know about Grading and Reporting? Bridges in Mathematics develops skills and concepts to mastery over time, often over several units. This year you will receive 3 different reports about your child’s progress: Unit Reports – about once a month Quarterly Reports – with report card, in lieu of letter grade Number Corner Checkup Report – four times a year around report card time Please see handout for more details and a sample Unit report.
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade Unit Report About once a month at the end of a unit.
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade Quarterly Report With the Report Card, in lieu of a letter grade.
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade Number Corner Checkup Report Four times a year, around report card time .
Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade Bridges Support for Families https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/families/bridges2 Specific grade level support for the Bridges math curriculum and additional resources Bridges in Mathematics 1st Grade
Reading McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders Every student will have a username and password Weekly Comprehension Strategy, Phonics Element, Vocabulary Words and Sight Words Small Group Instruction Leveled readers Literacy Centers Assessment on Friday Read every night with your child!
Differentiated Instruction Cooperative learning Small Reading Group Instruction Project Based Learning Inquiry and interest driven instruction Assessments are ongoing and in various forms (written assessments, performance evaluation, oral assessments, teacher observation) Reading Levels—sometimes a book may be a level or 2 below your child’s reading level so we can focus on a new comprehension skill.
Word Patterns and High Frequency Word Study Tests on Fridays Words will come from phonics skill for the week List of words will be in newsletter 10 pattern words a week plus high frequency words Dictation sentence that includes weekly sight words second semester The grade for these tests will be recorded in Writing on Power Parent. Indiana Standard for writing: 1.W.6.2c
Main Science Units Living Things Soils Fall: plants Spring: Hatching Chicks Soils Focus on sand, humus, clay Learn how to perform scientific tests on soils Learn about local soil Implementing the new Indiana State Science Standards.
Report Cards & Midterms Report Cards will come home every 9 weeks Celebrate and set goals! Sign and return the envelope Use as a guide and a way to set goals
Maple Behavior Plan Color-based system Each student has a clothespin Starts on green each morning Can move up to blue, purple, or even beyond = rewards given Purple = automatic “I got caught” card Poor choices can make clip move down to yellow, orange, or red. Orange = consequence Red = family contact, consequence
Positive Behavior Plan Classroom Rules Students cooperatively develop rules based upon fairness, honesty, respect, and teamwork Rewards I Got Caught Cards Verbal Praise Sticker reward Brag Tags Reward Coupons Happy notes home!
Behavior (contd.) Consequences Clips return to “Green” each day Warning Miss 10 minutes of recess or other logical consequence No recess/Call home Clips return to “Green” each day
Café Procedures 30 minutes for lunch Parents can eat lunch here! PLEASE PUT MONEY IN ENVELOPE Label (VERY IMPORTANT) Child’s First and Last Name Mrs. Stevens
Volunteers All volunteers must have a background check. Background check costs you: $0 and is good for 3 years. You can volunteer from home too!
Let’s Be a Team and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Call 544-6400 Email me jastevens@avon-schools.org Write a note Check our class webpage weekly! Follow on our class on Twitter @me1stevens
Let’s Have a GREAT Year! Thank you so much for taking time to come in!