10th Anniversary ETUC Gender Equality Survey


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Presentation transcript:

10th Anniversary ETUC Gender Equality Survey Montserrat Mir ETUC Confederal Secretary ETUC Executive Committee, Brussels 13 June 2017

ETUC Gender Equality Survey A political commitment undertaken since the Sevilla Congress, then reaffirmed by Athens and Paris Congress An instrument aiming at: Monitoring the proportion of women in the European trade union movement, including the proportion of women in decision-making positions and bodies Adressing a specific issue high on EU/TU agenda and with gender equality relevance: Gender pay gap Childcare Women in decision making positions Collective bargaining Domestic workers Financial crisis Violence against women EU Strategy for gender equality Occupational segregation Gender pension gap Every year the survey’s findings are presented and discussed with the Wom Com and shared with all affiliates 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

ETUC Gender Equality Survey A very high response rate… Over 10 years… 20 national confederations from 13 countries have responded to all annual gender equality surveys (ABVV / FGTB, ACV / CSC, CGSLB/ACLVB, PODKREPA, CMKOS, SAK, STTK, CGT, LIGA, CGIL, UIL, LBAS, LO-N, YS, UGT-P, CC.OO, UGT, LO-S, TCO, TUC) and 13 from 12 countries which have never responded (USDA, TURK-SEN, ADEDY, ASzSz, BSBR, FTUM, CMTU, Forum, USM, VCP, CSDR, CDLS, DISK ) Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Affiliated 82 83 84 85 86 89 Replying 46 48 55 60 51 52 53 44 Rate (%) 56.1% 58.5% 67.1% 66.3% 71.4% 64.7% 60.0% 60.5% 59.6% 49.4% 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

ETUC Gender Equality Survey Women’s as proportion of employees Source: Eurostat 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

ETUC Gender Equality Survey Women’s representation within unions Source: ETUC Survey 2017 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey ETUC Gender Equality Survey Average percentage of union members who are women (2008-2017) Source: ETUC Survey 2015/16 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey ETUC Gender Equality Survey Women in decision-making positions key leadership position & leadership teams in 2017 In 43 confederations there are 45 key leadership positions (33 presidents, 12 general secretaries) and 10 held by women (22.2%) 6 presidents: LO (Denmark), LIGA (Hungary), LO (Norway),UNIO (Norway), YS (Norway), TCO (Sweden) 4 general secretaries: ACV/CSC (Belgium) – joint, ICTU (Ireland), CISL (Italy), TUC (UK) Clear improvement on 2015 – 13.9% Leadership team defined as key leaders plus vice-presidents deputy general secretaries and treasurers 41 confederations provided information Overall average proportion of women 29.6% (almost same as last year 29.0%) In 13 confederations women make up 50% or more of this group BUT in 10 confederations there are NO women in this group Need to treat figures with caution 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

ETUC Gender Equality Survey Changes seen over the last 10 years No change – 10 confederations Not necessarily bad – TCO (Sweden): “Change happened earlier in 1990s and early 2000s” More women members – 9 confederations Hak-Is (Turkey): Increased from 12.5% in 2010 to 23.5% in 2017 More local reps – 4 confederations UNSA (France): Increase in local reps partially a result of new law (Rebsamen) on gender balance More women leaders– 18 confederations DGB (Germany): Quotas and a gender equality programme UGT (Portugal): Banking union now headed by woman Appointment of key woman – 7 confederations LIGA (Hungary) – Now have woman as president 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

ETUC Gender Equality Survey Conclusions Women make up almost half of all employees (46.5%) But fewer union members (44.1%) Growing share of membership are women Leadership needs to reflect this BUT does not yet 29.6% of leadership team 22.2% of key leaders Progress over last 10 years More women members, local reps and leaders But still barriers Male opposition, difficulties in combining union activities with personal life, lack of critical mass “Decisions on union appointments are taken by male-dominated committees and perhaps it seems natural to them to choose one of their peers” 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey

PART II : Gender pension gap 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Introduction Women receive pensions which are much lower (around 40% lower across EU) than men Key reasons for this Women participate less in labour market than men (less likely to be working or looking for work) Women are more likely to have periods when they stop working – to care for children or relatives Women work fewer hours – part-time not full-time Women’s pay is lower 41 confederations from 27 countries replied 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Are women’s pensions an issue for unions? Gender pensions gap discussed – 33 confederations Position on gender pensions gap – 31 confederations Action to promote position on gender pensions gap – 29 confederations Belgium – key union concern in negotiations with government Bulgaria – discussed in tripartite council Germany – discussions with government Lithuania – in revision of social security law in 2016 Norway – discussions with government on changing public sector pension scheme Portugal – raised issue with Council of Europe 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Union action on crediting periods of care for children or dependents Have policy on crediting periods of care – 29 confederations Have taken action on crediting periods of care – 24 confederations Union action on crediting periods of care has had an impact – 19 confederations ABVV / FGTB, ACLVB/CGSLB, ACV / CSC (Belgium): ongoing pressure from confederations has prevented government going as far as it planned CMKOS (Czech Republic): new social insurance law preserves protection LO (Norway): LO was at core of pension reform compromise in 2008 (view of Prime Minister) ZSSS (Slovenia): following discussions in tripartite council confederation’s position was included in new law 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Union action on women’s pension ages Have policy on women’s pension ages – 21 confederations Have taken action on women’s pension ages – 19 confederations Union action on women’s pension ages has had an impact – 10 confederations CMKOS (Czech Republic): union involvement in legislative process (especially Expert Commission) had impact on government plans NSZZ Solidarność (Poland): following pressure from unions, new government reversed previous policy and halted increase in pension age to 67 – for both men and women. Both will go back from October 2017 – to 60 for women and 65 for men 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Union action on women’s pension ages: the campaigns in the UK and Poland Sejm przegłosował obniżenie wieku emerytalnego 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Conclusions The gender pensions gap is an issue of concern in many European countries Although less prominent than issues of – pension levels and pension ages Confederations are adopting positions and taking action Credit for periods of care is much more common in state than in occupational and company schemes The more rapid increase in pension ages for women is a big issue for some countries In most countries the private sector is playing a larger role with damaging consequences for women In all these areas action can produce positive results 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey 10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey – Gender Pension Gap

Thank you very much for your attention

10th Anniversary of ETUC Gender Equality Survey