From “hurry and wait” to time efficiency


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Presentation transcript:

From “hurry and wait” to time efficiency CATER Final Event From “hurry and wait” to time efficiency Giuliano d’Auria and Francesco Cenci LEONARDO company Time Efficiency in Aviation: Trends & Evolution of R&D Initiatives 19 September 2017, Madrid, Spain

Introducing the problem: the D2D experience… Introducing the problem: the D2D experience…. Giuliano’s business journey Giuliano’s journey is a test case for the 4 hour D2D goal From Leonardo’s office in Rome (Italy) to CATER workshop in Porto (Portugal) 1.800 km as crow flies (or 45 km office to Fiumicino airport, 1750 km airport to airport and about 15km from Porto Airport to conference venue) Cruising speed of a modern aircraft is 850 km/hour so theoretical journey time, runaway to runway, is about 2h 40’ (direct flight) Door to door could be less than 4 hours even without futuristic vehicles or massive building works But in fact there are no direct flights at convenient time so Giuliano had to transit Frankfurt, or gets a flight from Rome to Lisbon and then a train to Porto (3h + 2h 30’) So in reality Giuliano’s runway to runway time is 5h 45’ (Rome-Frankfurt-Porto) and Door-to-Door times, without delays, are about 9 hours

Introducing the problem: the D2D experience… …and it get’s more complex,,, The case of 2 parent family with 2 young children (1-4 years) as a slow case but with the same itinerary and 4 hour D2D aim: They most definitely will have luggage (so time spent in luggage drop) They will be less eager to use public transport – so using car or taxi may mean traffic jams, need for parking near airport (extratime for these) They will need to curry extra liquids/baby food (in case the plane is delayed) –extra time in security They will be slower walking / need lift / etc - extra time in the airport

Where is the time lost? Looking for solutions CATER: from hurry and wait to time efficient 4h D2D travel

Looking for solutions: Flightpath 2050 Flightpath 2050 Goals related to time efficiency 90% of travellers within Europe are able to complete their journey, door-to-door within 4 hours Flights arrive within 1 minute of the planned arrival time regardless of weather conditions European citizens are able to make informed mobility choices and have affordable access to one another, taking into account: economy, speed, and tailored level of service Efficient boarding and security checks allow seamless security for global travel, with minimum passenger and cargo impact An air traffic management system is in place that provides a range of services to handle at least 25 million flights a year of all types of vehicles, (fixed-wing, rotorcraft) and systems (manned, unmanned, autonomous) that are integrated into and interoperable with the overall air transport system with 24-hour efficient operation of airports A coherent ground infrastructure is developed including: airports, vertiports and heliports with the relevant servicing and connecting facilities, also to other modes Weather and other hazards from the environment are precisely evaluated and risks are properly mitigated

Looking for solutions: Flightpath 2050 and SRIA Flightpath 2050 Goals related to time efficiency 90% of travellers within Europe are able to complete their journey, door-to-door within 4 hours ( duration) Flights arrive within 1 minute of the planned arrival time regardless of weather conditions ( Punctuality) European citizens are able to make informed mobility choices and have affordable access to one another, taking into account: economy, speed, and tailored level of service ( Predictability) Efficient boarding and security checks allow seamless security for global travel, with minimum passenger and cargo impact ( Predictability) ACARE SRIA Volume 2 – Needs and Enablers

Looking for solutions: ACARE SRIA vs Flightpath 2050 approach

Looking for solutions: Research questions for CATER 1. Describe where the minutes go, especially the “lost” ones Identifying top 10 causes of lost minutes in rough order of impact 2. Identify changes (types of R&I) that could help recover those minutes Identifying top 10 domains 3. Identify what R&I is being done which would affect Giuliano’s experience EU, national, industry and international… top 50 actions 4. What are the non R&I industry, societal, environmental and political factors which impact the journey time Top 10, i.e. security, ash, lowcost, regional airports… 5. What R&I is planned Scan calls in EU and 5 biggest states over next 2-3 years 6. Assessment of past R&I 7. Recommendations for future R&I 1 D2D model 2 dalla SRIA identificare i domini tecnologici per l’analisi  R&I frames 3 analisi preogetti 4 non R&I 5R&I futura 6R&I past 7 Reccomendetaions (GAP Analysis)

Looking for solutions: CATER project’s structure Recommendations

Looking for solutions: CATER methodologies for relevant analyses R&I FRAME defnition and update -Search Criteria -Data models -Define and Update Taxonomy, Explore TE Relevant Data to Analyze -Statistics -Stakeholders -Industry -Public Programmes Analysis and thematic Reports -Opportunities -Recommendations -Gaps -Externalities -R&I Impact assessment -R&I Domains

Looking for solutions: CATER methodologies for relevant analyses Exploring and filtering (Taxonomy) Information (Impact Metrics) Analyzing Data Reporting . Cyclical approach (yearly updates) PROBLEMS: Long analyses. Different analysts.Analysts judgement remains untracked

Looking for solutions: CATER methodologies for relevant analyses . CAter Search & Knowledge database tool CASK R&I frame Impact Assessment tool Reporting . Cyclical approach (yearly updates) ADVANTAGES: The Use of IT tools makes it faster and increase analysts homogeneity

Looking for solutions: CASK: R&I Analysis tool CASK: CAter Search & Knowledge database tool Exploring and filtering Information (Taxonomy) CASK CASK can dinamically link to any database providing certain parameters: .cvs, .xml Main Databases: CORDIS EspaceNet OPEN Access Papers Yahoo EU GRANTS Connecting national DBs Innovation UK – 65.000 German DB Dutch DB

Looking for solutions: CASK: R&I Analysis tool CASK provides: 9 Millions of European patents, More than 18 Millions of Scientific papers Public funding opportunities and publicly funded research projects for Research and Innovation, Project Ideas and URLs crawled and indexed A fully featured Document Management Systems to manage documents of interest for the Community. . 65 ACARE users have been registered on CASK DB

Looking for solutions: CASK: R&I Analysis tool . . CASK allow you to: Search on extensive Database with filters and search words (web, patents, papers, projects, grants) Qualify Data with labels dedicated to Time Efficiency (e.g. SRIA Enablers). Retrieve Qualified Data through labels Share relevant Documents

Looking for solutions: CASK: R&I Analysis tool . . CASK allow you to: Search on extensive Database with filters and search words (web, patents, papers, projects, grants) Qualify Data with labels dedicated to Time Efficiency (e.g. SRIA Enablers). Retrieve Qualified Data through labels Share relevant Documents

Looking for solutions: CASK: R&I Analysis tool . . CASK allow you to: Search on extensive Database with filters and search words (web, patents, papers, projects, grants) Qualify Data with labels dedicated to Time Efficiency (e.g. SRIA Enablers). Retrieve Qualified Data through labels Share relevant Documents

Looking for solutions: CASK: R&I Analysis tool . . CASK allow you to: Search on extensive Database with filters and search words (web, patents, papers, projects, grants) Qualify Data with labels dedicated to Time Efficiency (e.g. SRIA Enablers). Retrieve Qualified Data through labels Share relevant Documents

Looking for solutions: CATER output For the Present: Provide analyses and reports using developed tools (CASK + R&I frame) Provide stakeholders with an IT tool for assessment For the future: Report on recommendations based on gap analysis Support sustainability for future search, knowledge management and analysis of Time Efficiency related R&I through the CASK tool

CATER (Coordinating Air transport Time Efficiency Research) is: CATER in brief CATER (Coordinating Air transport Time Efficiency Research) is: a coordination project (GA n. 605497) co-financed by the European Commission through FP7, with a duration of 48 months (started on 1st October 2013) CATER is designed as a research and innovation (R&I) observatory and policy centre; run by an authoritative group with deep industry knowledge, access to a network of all relevant R&I organisations and excellent information gathering and knowledge management processes and tools. More information about CATER is available at:

CATER in brief

Thanks for your attention! Giuliano d’Auria and Francesco Cenci LEONARDO company (CATER project coordinator)