B2B VERSION 1.0: Recent Updates B2B VERSION 2.0 Relaunch Oct 3, 2016 Front-end Updates: Updated look of the header and the express order form Improved Shipping Options: Certain customers were experiencing shipping options not populating for specific addresses, which is now resolved Improved Rep Portal: Our IT development team can now test any active B2B customer for account specific bugs by logging in as the user and replicating their experience Fixed Routing Guide: Users with Routing Guides can now checkout with a ‘Routing Guide’ shipping option Express Order Form: All brand categories are now accessible Customer Feedback Survey: Added Survey to header to better understand user experiences Refined Order Fulfillment System: Improved integration with our order fulfillment system, tracking details by package Smart Post Integration: Integrated Fedex’s SmartPost delivery to send parcel packages B2B VERSION 2.0 Relaunch Oct 3, 2016 UX enhancements: Continue to enhance the look and feel including express order form sub-categories and checkout out pages. Faster Navigation: Using customer feedback to limit “clicks”, optimize routing, and save time from login to checkout. Improved Efficiency: Improve integration with Implus ERP system to improve order processing and exception handling. Save Cart for later: Added functionality to save cart and continue shopping later Express Order Form: Redesign and add advanced filtering functionality Order Import from Excel: Added ability to import from Excel template directly into your cart. B2B VERSION 2.x: Future Release(s) Reorder Capability: Add last order to cart feature Order History: Improved Order History with detailed package tracking New Credit Card Processor: Integration with new Credit Card Payment Processor (pending release of the new version)