Scoping Meeting April 20th 6:00 pm City of Hidden Hills Vesting Tentative Map 63567 Scoping Meeting April 20th 6:00 pm City Council Chambers 6165 Spring Valley Road Hidden Hills, California 91302
The Stakeholders Applicant Lead Agency Consulting Team Ashley Construction, Inc. Lead Agency City of Hidden Hills Consulting Team Rincon Consultants, Inc.
Do You Have??? Agenda Speaker/Comment Form
Project Location + Area Context Residential Residential Commercial Commercial Commercial Residential
Project Location + Site Plan
Project Description Subdivision of a 16.9-acre site into 7 residential lots and 1 access road Grading for building pads Extension of Bridle Trail Road Creation of internal access streets Extension of existing bridle trails Improvements for public utilities Removal of 19 existing trees
Required Approvals (City) Approval of Vesting Tentative Map Annexation of an approximately 8.0 acre parcel that is currently part of unincorporated Los Angeles County General Plan Map Amendment and Zone Change to establish land use designation and prezoning of the 8.0 acre parcel Ridgeline Development Permit
Required Approvals (Others) Review and approval of site plan for: Emergency Access (County Sheriff) Sewer and Drainage Facilities (County Public Works) Water and Sewer Infrastructure Design (Las Virgenes Municipal Water District) Compliance with Uniform Fire Code and Department Requirements (County Fire)
Project Site Plan - Access Lots 1, 4, 5, and 6 accessed from private road originating from Bridle Trail Road Lots 2 and 3 accessed from Lasher Road Lot 7 accessed from new eastern terminus of Bridle Trail Road
Project Site Plan - Drainage Lots 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 would drain to the internal roadway and then to an infiltration system in southern portion of site Lots 2 and 3 would drain to tree-well filters and/ or bio-retention basins (aka rain gardens), and then to Lasher Road
City of Hidden Hills Vesting Tentative Map 63567 CEQA and the EIR
Purposes of CEQA The California Environmental Quality Act Discloses the potential significant environmental effects of proposed actions Identifies ways to avoid or reduce adverse environmental effects Considers feasible alternatives to proposed actions Fosters interagency coordination in the review of projects Enhances public participation in the planning process
Purpose of the CEQA Scoping Meeting Inform the community and concerned agencies about the project and the EIR Solicit input regarding the EIR scope Inform the community about future opportunities for input
The EIR Process Public Participation WE ARE HERE City prepares Notice of Preparation City holds public meeting soliciting input on the scope of the EIR City prepares Draft EIR City files Notice of Completion and Draft EIR Availability City holds public meeting soliciting input on the Draft EIR City responds to comments, prepares Final EIR City prepares Findings, certifies EIR City makes decision on the project WE ARE HERE
EIR Issues Areas Aesthetics Agriculture + Forestry Resource Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources + Tribal Cultural Resources Geology + Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards + Hazardous Materials Hydrology + Water Quality Land Use, Planning, + Recreation Mineral Resources Noise Population + Housing Public Services Transportation + Traffic Utilities + Service Systems
EIR Issue Areas (Proposed Scope) Aesthetics Agriculture + Forestry Resource Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources + Tribal Cultural Resources Geology + Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards + Hazardous Materials Hydrology + Water Quality Land Use, Planning, + Recreation Mineral Resources Noise Population + Housing Public Services Transportation + Traffic Utilities + Service Systems
EIR Issues (Select Details) Aesthetics Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources + Tribal Cultural Resources Geology + Soils Hydrology + Water Quality Land Use, Planning, + Recreation Noise Transportation + Traffic
EIR Issues (Select Details) Cumulative Impacts Considers impacts of other development in combination with the Proposed Project Alternatives Alternatives should address potentially significant impacts of the Proposed Project “No Project” analysis is mandatory Others to be determined, comments welcome
EIR Schedule Notice of Preparation (NOP) published Close of NOP period April 6, 2017 Close of NOP period May 6, 2017 Public Review of Draft EIR Middle of July 2017(estimated) Response to Comments/Final EIR October 2017(estimated) Final EIR/Project Hearings November/December 2017(estimated)
Ground Rules Listen Do Not Interrupt Speak from the Podium – Take Turns State your Name and Address Be Succinct
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS City of Hidden Hills Vesting Tentative Map 63567 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS
We Welcome Your Comments The scope, focus, and content of the EIR Suggested Mitigation Measures to avoid or reduce environmental effects Suggested alternatives to avoid or reduce environmental effects
*All comments should be submitted by Send Comments to Via US Mail to: Dirk Lovett, City Engineer City of Hidden Hills 6165 Spring Valley Road Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Via Email to: *All comments should be submitted by May 6, 2017
Thank you for your participation tonight! City of Hidden Hills Vesting Tentative Map 63567 Thank you for your participation tonight!