Update on Special Event Facilities Butte County Code Section 24-175.2 Board of Supervisors Meeting – January 24, 2017
Background Special Event Facilities Ordinance Section 24-175.2 (Ordinance No. 4093) was adopted on March 24, 2015. Requires Minor Use Permit in the AG, TM, RR, FR, and VLDR zones. Approximately 2 dozen facilities operating in these zones in the County. Four are operating under existing use permits, or are valid pre-existing uses (Centerville Estates, Chico Grange, Honker Bay Ranch and Merlo Park). Three unpermitted venues have submitted applications (The Palms, White Ranch, Long Creek Winery).
Proposed Enforcement Strategy End of ordinance’s implementation transitional period. Outreach to unpermitted facility owners that the transitional period has ended. Send written notices to unpermitted facility owners. Development Services will continue to work with facility owners that have submitted an application for a minor use permit to ensure they are brought into compliance while having a minimal effect on their current operations. Code Enforcement will respond to complaints received against facilities. Following policies and procedures in Chapter 41, citations may be issued.
Section 24-171.2 (G.) Development Standards in the Agriculture Zone Special event facilities in the Agriculture (AG) zone shall be accessory to the agricultural use and the owner's, or manager's residence, if the manager is responsible for running the special event facility. No Special Events Facility shall be permitted where no residential use exists on the property. Special event facilities are permitted in Agriculture (AG) zones only when not requiring new permanent improvements and when not interfering with agricultural operations. Special event facilities shall not convert agricultural land to an alternative use for the purpose of developing or expanding a special event facility.
Section 24-171.2 (G.) Development Standards in the Agriculture Zone Special event facilities shall be reviewed for compliance with any applicable Williamson Act Contract. An Agricultural Maintenance Plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 24-13(B). Special Event Facilities are not permitted on parcels that are less than ten (10) acres in size. Owner shall sign a declaration acknowledging the right-to-farm pursuant to Chapter 35 (Protection of Agricultural Land) indicating that facilities may be subject to inconveniences related to agricultural activities taking place on adjacent properties.
Section 24-171.2 (G.) Development Standards in the Agriculture Zone Staff has identified several unpermitted facilities in the Agricultural zone that would be unable to obtain a minor use permit because the facility does not meet one or more of the special event facility standards required by Section 24-171.2 (G.) Several owners of existing special event facilities in the Agriculture zone have indicated they cannot comply with requirements for: the facility to be accessory to an existing agricultural use; 10-acre minimum parcel size; and an existing residential use on the property. Staff is reviewing potential amendments for further discussion and direction at a future Board Meeting.
Recommendation Accept for information and provide direction to staff.