the best we can be Welcome to Wooldale Learning to be Year 6 the best we can be Welcome to Wooldale Learning to be Parents' SATs Meeting
Aims of the Session To share important information about KS2 SATs. To answer any questions about KS2 SATs. Discuss / share ideas about how you as a parent can help your child at home.
What are KS2 SATs? Standard Assessment Tests All children have to be tested before they go to high school Provide assessment information for high schools Purpose – to assign National Curriculum levels to children before they leave primary school
What Level Should Year 6 Children Be At? Level 2 – these children will not be entered for the tests Level 3 – below age related expectation Level 4 – age related expectation Level 5 – above age related expectation Level 6 – Well above age related expectation
What is Teacher Assessment? Teacher assessment draws together everything the teacher or teachers know about a child, including observations, marked work and school assessments. Teacher assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests and is therefore more reliable. There can be a difference between teacher assessment results and test levels. NB Teacher assessment is now used to level writing with strict marking guidelines.
English SATs English SATs consist of: A reading/comprehension test A grammar, punctuation and spelling test Teacher assessment of a variety of writing
Reading Question Types Literal – answer is there in the text Deductive – look for clues Inferential – read between the lines Authorial intent – e.g. why does an author use a particular word
How Can Parents Help with Reading? Ensure your child reads regularly! Encourage them to read fiction and non-fiction. When discussing what your child is reading, try to ask a range of questions to help with comprehension. Help them with the different skills of reading especially ‘skim’ reading where they are looking for key words in the text. Encourage a love of reading!
Writing A number of pieces of writing from throughout the final school term are assessed to inform the final level. One third of schools are visited by the Local Authority to moderate that writing has been assessed accurately.
How can Parents Help With Writing? Again, reading a variety of texts – the more children read, the more familiar they become with different text types. Encourage your child to use their imagination Support your child to develop a rich and broad vocabulary. Grammar and punctuation homework Encourage writing for enjoyment .
SPAG! As last year, there will be a grammar, punctuation and spelling test to ‘assesses your child’s English’ with greater emphasis on the spellings. Skills in four key areas in Year 6: spelling vocabulary punctuation grammar The test will take approximately one hour to complete. This year the results of this test will be reported separately to the overall English level.
Two written test papers Mathematics Mathematics SATs consist of: A mental mathematics test. This is an orally delivered, taped assessment. The mental mathematics test has a subject weighting of 20%. Two written test papers Test A and Test B Calculators are no longer allowed in these tests.
Completing the Maths Test Some questions are worth one mark and therefore accuracy is important. Other questions are worth two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for correct working. Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.
How Can Parents Help with Maths? Support with homework – not just helping with the Maths but reading the question can really help. TIMES TABLES!!! Help your child to check their work through – this will help them to spot mistakes that can sometimes be easily fixed. Encouraging your child to complete the maths study guide.
Science no formal science SATs for all, ‘science sampling’ was reintroduced in 2014. Under this system, 9,500 children – five children from 1,500 schools – are randomly selected to take a science test. Schools that are selected will be notified by mid-May, and are legally obliged to participate if chosen. Science sampling takes place every two years, so there will be no compulsory science tests in 2015. Children will be awarded a level for science based on their teacher's assessment
What Are We Doing? Cross-curricular teaching that gives children the opportunities to apply skills taught in literacy and numeracy. Setting for Maths Teaching assistant support Booster sessions Test preparation
Special Arrangements Additional Time Reader Scribe Support for remaining on task Time out
Reporting SATs information In the past school has received the results at the beginning of July. At this time your child’s class teacher will meet with your child to tell them how they have done. Results will also be sent home with the annual school report. Teacher assessments will also be provided in the annual report.
How Can Parents Help? Supporting with homework. Support with completing SATs study guides. Good communication between the school and home. Getting a good sleep on a school night! Provide your child with bottled water for the test.
SATs Timetable Year 6 SATs Week 11th – 15th May 2015 Monday 11th May Tuesday 12th May Wednesday 13th May Thursday 14th May English - Reading Test Level 6 English – Grammar, punctuation and spelling test Mental Maths Test Maths Test A Maths Test B Maths level 6 paper 1 and 2
How is SATs Week Organised? A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days/sessions tests must be administered. All children must sit the tests at the same time. Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin. Tests are completed in classrooms, with any displays that may help covered over. Some children will have special arrangements in order to access the test.
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