Annual Governors’ Meeting for Parents 2016 Thomas’s Academy Annual Governors’ Meeting for Parents 2016
Introductions & Welcome Miles Chester Andrew Fenwick Ben Thomas Sam Merullo Charlotte Manson-Bahr Ewa Abouchouche
Welcome Report from the Head Teacher Report from the Chair of Governors Governors survey of Parental Opinion Comments from other Governors Q & A
Our Vision for Thomas’s Academy
Vision into Reality Key Developments in 2015-16 Next Steps for 2015-16 Be Kind Language of Values well understood by pupils and featured in weekly themes Exemplary behaviour Be Kind in the Playground – led by School Council Learn To Learn Growth Mindset and Learning to Learn principles widely understood by staff and pupils Discourse on learning becoming central theme Visible Classroom Project ‘Split Screen’ lessons Think Globally Spanish Successes International Curriculum Global Art Themes Global Goals Theme Digital Exhibition Increasing links with Cairn Trust Create Beauty Art Outcomes Displays of curriculum outcomes around the school Impact of Curriculum Enrichment and RE days eg. Art Week, Buddhism Days The School Blog Artsmark Application ‘Beautiful Work’ postcards
Results Recent KS2 SATs results: Headline Measure Academy National Expected Standard in R, W, M combined 78.3% 53% Average Scaled Score Reading 105.7 103 Average Scaled Score Writing 108.5 103 Average Scaled Score Maths 107.9 104 Recent GLD scores from Reception 67%, up from 35% last year. Phonics Screening: 86% - exceptional progress given this cohort’s GLD
The Partnership with Thomas’s The partnership has brought significant improvements to the following areas: Curriculum Development: Music Dance Art PE Outdoor Education Drama & Oracy Intervention Support: More-able writers Speech and Language & Dyslexia Administrative Support: ICT Premises Finance HR Leadership Support: Learning Environments Quality of Teaching & Learning
Thomas’s London Day Schools Curriculum development (Maths Mastery, IPC) Staff collaboration (collective efficacy) Pupil collaboration (Art; Sport, Drama, Music, Dance) Physical space (TTT) Independent/state school partnerships Community relations (the common good)
Broader Impact
Results from parent questionnaire Agree or Strongly Agree Nov 2015 June 2016 My child enjoys school 98% 97% The school keeps my child safe 93% 100% My child is making progress at school 96% The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle The school keeps me well informed about my child’s progress 80% My child is taught well My child is encouraged to make a positive contribution to their school community. The school makes sure that my child is well prepared for the future (for example entering into the next stage in their education) There is a good range of activities including trips or visits for my child to take part in 91% The school treats my child fairly and with respect The school meets my child’s particular needs Parents and carers with children who have learning difficulties The school informs me about the types of support available for my child’s particular needs 89% The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour The school has appropriate procedures for dealing with complaints 95% The school takes account of my suggestions and concerns The school is led and managed effectively Overall, I am happy with my child’s experience at this school I would recommend this school to another parent.
The Governing Body Governors Roles Andrew Fenwick Chair of Governors Chair of Finance Committee Numeracy Subject Link Tobyn Thomas Vice Chair Literacy Subject Link Ben Thomas Chair of Education Committee Sam Merullo Chair of Premises Committee Inclusion Carol Clare Thomas’s Finance Manager Phonics Subject Link Charlotte Manson-Bahr Chair of Personnel & Policies Committee Governor Lead on Safeguarding Chris Tuck Thomas’s HR Manager Governor Lead on Health and Safety Clare James Staff Governor, SEN Pat Bunche Early Years Ewa Abouchouche Parent Governor Vacancy
Class links Teacher & governors Class Teacher Governor Nursery Mrs Gale Pat Bunche Reception Miss Moir Ewa Abouchouche Year 1 Miss Budden Sam Merullo Year 2 Mrs Webber Andrew Fenwick Year 3 Miss Wright Charlotte Manson-Bahr Year 4 Miss Lamb Ben Thomas Year 5 Miss Wintle Carol Clare & Chris Tuck Year 6 Miss McCarthy Tobyn Thomas Teacher & governors
Parental Involvement ACADEMY PARENTS Three new TAPs groups Early Years have already met KS1 TAPs group and KS2 TAPs group due to meet after half term
International Food Day Thursday 8th December
Parent Governors Parent Governors provide a vital voice to the Governing Body Parents can get involved as Associate Members or as full Parent Governors Opportunities to discuss further with existing governors Invitations for new Parent Governors to be distributed next week