IN: *Tuesdays and *Thursdays. We are learning about communication. We speak, we listen, and we understand. I use my imagination to make mind movies. I listen to others when it is their turn to talk. I respect myself and others. I think about what others say. I ask questions if I don’t understand. I use my best speech and language. Ms. Diana Schloer IN: *Tuesdays and *Thursdays. *hours may vary
There are many different Ways to say the same thing. In language group we honor African American English and any language differences that are a result of learning English as a second language. We also explain these language differences, and differentiate them from Academic American English. Each student’s best language is judged according to the number and clarity of ideas that are communicated as compared to her or his established ability. For students working on articulation or fluency, their best language is judged according to their use of the techniques and strategies that they learn.
only doing and saying things that help others and ourselves Respect means only doing and saying things that help others and ourselves feel valued. Respect leads us to grow as an individual because we are helping others to grow too. Respectful communication builds trust. Once trust is established we can communicate about sensitive issues; (things that, if handled poorly, could hurt our feelings). When sensitive issues are handled respectfully, a deep sense of trust is the result.
Imagination helps us understand words that we hear spoken and words that we read. While we listen and while we read we can imagine the characters and what they are doing and feeling. We can imagine the places they are visiting. As the story develops and characters interact, one scene follows another, like the things that happen in a movie. Our imagination helps us make a movie in our minds… … Mind movies help us understand the language we hear and read.
Listening is more than just hearing what someone is saying. Listening means that we have to focus our attention on understanding and remembering what is said. When we listen carefully to what another person says we demonstrate respect for that person. Respect builds trust and trust builds healthy relationships with other people. So listening is the foundation for understanding, and remembering (learning). Listening and respect form the basis of healthy relationships.
Asking questions is an important part of the process of communication. Questions demonstrate that we are thinking about, and trying to understand, what other people are saying or about what we are reading. Finding answers to questions helps us to understand other people’s ideas, and both facts and opinions, more clearly.