CS1022 Computer Programming & Principles Lecture 2 Boolean Algebra
Plan of lecture Simplifying Boolean expressions Karnaugh maps Logic circuits CS1022
Simplifying Boolean expressions (1) Given a Boolean expression, can we find a “simpler” equivalent expression? “Simpler” = “fewer symbols” Technique applied to disjunctive normal form (DNF) Even though it might be more complex than original Process: original expr. DNF simplified expr. Technique restricted to at most 3 Boolean variables Extension to more variables is possible CS1022
Simplifying Boolean expressions (2) To simplify, let’s suppress “” Just like “” in algebra can be dropped (e.g., 2y = 2 y) For instance, the expression in disjunctive normal form (p q r) (p q r) (p q r) Will be represented as pqr pqr pqr We can simplify the above expression as follows: pqr pqr pqr (prq prq) pqr Comm.& assoc. Laws pr(q q) pqr Distr. Law pr pqr Since q q = 1 CS1022
Simplifying Boolean expressions (3) Compare pr pqr and pqr pqr pqr They are equivalent – all changes done via a “law” It is much simpler than original expression Very important: simplification can be automated Each step in the process is an operation Sequence of steps terminates at some point Notice: First step puts together two minterms which differed by one symbol Second step reduced two terms to one CS1022
Karnaugh maps (1) Simplification done via a Karnaugh map “Device” invented in the 1950s to help circuit design Uses a visual display to indicate which pairs of minterms can be merged as a simpler expression For Boolean expressions with 3 variables (p, q and r) Karnaugh map is a table with 2 rows and 4 columns Columns labelled with all possible disjunctions of p and q and their negations Rows labelled with r and r pq pq pq pq r r CS1022
Karnaugh maps (2) pq pq pq pq r 1 r As we move from column to column precisely one change occurs in the column label Cells correspond to 8 different minterms stemming from 3 Boolean variables For a given Boolean expression, we write “1” in each cell whose row/column expression appears For instance, pqr pqr pqr has map pq pq pq pq r 1 r CS1022
Karnaugh maps (3) pq pq pq pq r 1 r Required simplification suggested by “clusters” of 1s Shaded in green here There is only one such cluster in the example Corresponds to terms we combined using the laws pq pq pq pq r 1 r CS1022
Karnaugh maps (3) Relabelling columns preserves adjacency Some clusters may be “hidden” NB relabelling must be consistent with requirement that adjacent columns differ by one symbol only Example: Karnaugh map of pqr pqr pqr Relabelling columns produces an alternative Karnaugh map and reveals a pair of adjacent minterms pq pq pq pq r 1 r pq pq pq pq r 1 r CS1022
Karnaugh maps (4) pq pq pq pq r 1 r Hence, pqr pqr pqr pqr pr(q q) pqr pr pq pq pq pq r 1 r CS1022
Karnaugh maps (5) Let’s simplify pqr pqr pqr pqr pqr It contains a cluster of 4 (A) and a pair (B) There are no hidden pairs We must try relabelling exhaustively pq pq pq pq r 1 r CS1022
Karnaugh maps (6) Cluster (A) corresponds to pq pq pq pq r 1 r pqr pqr pqr pqr (p p)qr (p p)qr qr qr q(r r) q CS1022
Karnaugh maps (7) Cluster (B) corresponds to So, simplified expression is q pr pq pq pq pq r 1 r pqr pqr pr(q q) pr CS1022
Logic circuits (1) One of the main application of Boolean algebra is the design of binary devices They accept a (finite) number of inputs They produce a (finite) number of outputs Binary: only two possible values for each input & output Circuits as “black boxes”: ? p1 q1 p2 q2 p3 q3 ... ... pn qm CS1022
Logic circuits (2) Devices are built of logic gates which perform basic Boolean operations (, , and ) a b a b OR gate a b a b AND gate a a NOT gate a b (a b) NAND gate CS1022
Logic circuits (3) Interconnecting gates produces a logical circuit A logical circuit evaluates a Boolean expression Example: What is the final output of this circuit? 4 3 2 1 p q r 5 6 7 CS1022
Logic circuits (4) Example: What is the final output of this circuit? pq pq pqr pqr pqr pqr pqr 4 3 2 1 p q r 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 p q r 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 p q r 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 p q r 5 6 7 pqr pqr pqr CS1022
Logic circuits (5) Solution: pqr pqr pqr Gate Inputs Output 1 2 p, q pq 3 pq, r pqr 4 pq, r pqr 5 pq, r pqr 6 pqr, pqr pqr pqr 7 pqr pqr, pqr pqr pqr pqr CS1022
Logic circuits (6) Logic circuits can be simplified if we allow AND and OR gates to have more than 2 inputs More dramatic simplifications w/ Karnaugh maps 2 clusters (one hidden) We can simplify things: pqr pqr pq(r r) pq pqr pqr (q q)pr pr That is, pqr pqr pqr pq pr We can further simplify this as p(q r) pq pq pq pq r 1 r CS1022
Logic circuits (7) With p(q r), we simplify previous circuit to obtain p q r CS1022
Further reading R. Haggarty. “Discrete Mathematics for Computing”. Pearson Education Ltd. 2002. (Chapter 9) Wikipedia’s entry on Boolean algebra Wikibooks entry on Boolean algebra CS1022