Fframwaith Credydau a Chymwysterau Cymru: Prosiect Achredu


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Presentation transcript:

Fframwaith Credydau a Chymwysterau Cymru: Prosiect Achredu Credit & Qualification Framework for Wales: Accreditation Project Mike Thomas Workforce Development Officer Swyddog Datblygu’r Gweithlu

1. FfCChC 2. Prosiect Cefndir Gweithredoedd /Cynnydd Symud ymlaen 1. CQFW 2. Project Background Activity/Progress Moving Forward

Prosiect Cyfathrebu a Chysylltu gyda’r sector 2. Achredu Unedau Sefydliadau Gwobrwyo Arloeswyr 3. Ymchwil Project 1. Communication & Sector Engagement 2. Accreditation Units Awarding Organisations Pioneers 3. Research

Ymchwil Archwilio cyfleuon a her ion wrth achredu dysg yn y gweithle Sefyllfa bresennol Rhwystrau a sbarunau Research To explore opportunities & challenges in accrediting in-house learning Current situation Barriers & Enablers

Dulliau Ymchwil Adolygu dogfenau Holiadur ar lein Cyfweliadau Pynciau’n deillio o’r holiadur ar lein Research Methods Documentary review On-line survey Stakeholder interviews Emergent issues from on-line survey

Holiadur ar lein Dosbarthu Partneriaethau rhanbarthol Rheolwyr Hyfforddiant Gofal Cymdeithasol – ALl Wefan Cyngor Gofal On-line Survey – Dissemination Regional Partnerships Social Care Training Managers - LAs Care Council Website

Holiadur ar lein 87 yn ymateb 38 Cyflogwyr (43.7%) 22 Gweithwyr (25.3%) 27 Araill, hyfforddwyr (31%) 45.7% preifat/annibynol 30.4% ALl 19.6% Gwirfoddol 4.3% Arall 50% yn rhoi manylion cyswllt On-line Survey – Respondents 87 respondents 38 Employers (43.7%) 22 Social care workers(25.3%) 27 Others , mainly trainers (31%) 45.7% private/independent 30.4% Local authority 19.6% Voluntary sector 4.3% other 50% provided contact details

Holiadur ar lein - Ymateb 50% gawasanethau i pobl hyn 45.7% gwasanaethau i pobl gyda anghenion iechyd meddwl 43.5% gwasanaethau i pobl gyda anghenion corfforol 41.3% gwasanaethau i pobl gyda anabledd dysgu 41.3% gwasanaethau i blant a theuluoedd anghenion On-line Survey – Respondents 50% providing services for older people 45.7% providing services for people with mental health needs 43.5% providing services for people with physical needs 41.3% providing services for people with a learning disability 41.3% providing services for children & families

Holiaur ar lein - ymateb Lleoliad Gwasanaeth 39.1% gofal yn y cartref 37% gofal preswyl (oedolion) 28.3% gofal dydd (oedolion) 19.6% gofal maeth 17.4% gofal dydd (plant) 17.4% gofal preswyl (plant) On-line Survey – Respondents Service Settings 39.1% care at home 37% residential care (adults) 28.3% day care (adults) 19.6% foster care 17.4% day care (children) 17.4% residential care (children)

Cyflogwyr 96.6% yn darparu dysgu yn y gweithle Perthnasedd Hyblygrwydd Ansawdd Cost Cymysgedd o hyfforddwyr mewnol ac allanol Amrywiol ffyrdd o hyfforddiant Employers 96.6% currently provide in-house learning Relevance Flexibility Quality Cost Mainly mixture of in house and external trainers (86.2%) Widely various forms of training

Cyflogwyr 75.5% yn asesu dysgu yn y gweithle CGG/OCN Asesiad/tystysgrif mewnol Cyswllt gyda adolygu Profion ysgrifenedig, llyfrau-gwaith, arsylwi ymarfer Employers 75.5% assess in house learning NVQ/OCN In house assessment/ certificate Linked with supervision Written tests, workbooks, practice observation,

Cyflogwyr Dysg mewnol yn cyrraedd anghenion dysgu’r gweithlu Cyfraith/rheoleiddio Polisi (ceisiau i LlCC) DAD mewnol Adolygu a gwerthuso Medr a boddhad gweithwyr Employers In house learning meets workforce needs Legislation/regulation Policy (bids to WAG) In house TNAs Staff supervision / appraisal Staff competence & satisfaction

Gweithwyr Gofal Cymdeithasol 22 ymateb 7 yn derbyn dysg yn y gweithle ar hyn o bryd Pawb am gydnabyddiaeth ffurfiol Consyrn am ‘chwyddiant cymwysterol’/ angen gwerthfawrogi unedau bychan Social Care Workers 22 respondents 7 currently doing in-house learning All would like it to be formally recognised Concern re ‘qualification inflation’ / small units need to have value/credit in themselves

Anghenion Hyfforddiant gorchmynol Perthansol i’r cydtestun Seiliedig ar ymarfer Cyfranogol Parhad / cam wrth gam Needs Mandatory training Setting specific Practice based Participatory Ongoing & Incremental

Cydnabyddiaeth / achredu 86.3% yn cefnogi: Tystiolaeth o ddysgu Sicrhad Ansawdd Hyder a chymhelliant y dysgwr Pryderon Gweinyddiaeth/Costau Perthnasedd/ Recognition / accreditation 86.3% respondents favour: Provides evidence of learning Quality Assurance Learner Motivation & Confidence Concerns Administration/Costs Relevancy /currency

I grynhoi Diddordeb eang ar draws: Sectorau Gwasanaethau Gofal yn y cartref a gofal preswyl Llawer yn digwydd Achredu: dysg allanol a mewnol In Summary Wide interest across: Sectors Service areas Care at home and residential care Lots going on – wide and diverse activity Accreditation: external & in-house provided learning

Ymchwil Cyfathrebu a Chysylltu gyda’r sector 2. Achredu Unedau Sefydliadau Gwobrwyo Arloeswyr 3. Ymchwil Emergent Issues Cost Quality Assurance Relevance Assessment Specificity/transferability Nature of learning Unit Role of Care Council over time