Protestant Reformation
In the early 1500’s, the Catholic church had fallen into the practice of selling indulgences or Pardons from punishment for committing a sin Allowed the sinner to enter Heaven Buy a pardon for an ancestor so they can go to heaven This practice brought in a great deal of revenue for the church
The Pope was using money from the sale of indulgences to construct St The Pope was using money from the sale of indulgences to construct St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Martin Luther Renaissance values of Humanism and secularism stimulated criticism of the Catholic Church Martin Luther—German monk Almost struck by lightening in 1505—prayed for protection & promised to become a monk Desperately wanted salvation (went to confession for hours)
Martin Luther 1515—his personal conversion where he realized “Justification by Faith” = Bible said that a person could be made just (good) by faith
Martin Luther Luther believed that each individual must read and understand the Bible for himself to achieve this faith.
Protestant Reformation Luther preached against indulgences and other corrupt church practices October 31, 1517—Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church (criticizing the corrupt church policies Copies of 95 Theses spread through Germany His theses challenged the Pope’s right to sell indulgences. 1521—Pope Leo X excommunicates Luther At the Diet of Worms– Luther was banned as an outlaw.
95 Theses
Catholicism Lutheranism Salvation by faith Salvation by faith & works Bible as only truth and guide Services held in lang. of people (vernacular) Preach biblical principles not rituals Clergy can marry No monasticism Catholicism Salvation by faith & works Bible & church’s teachings are important spiritual guides Services held in Latin Preach rituals Clergy can not marry Monasticism
Luther was able to obtain protection from several German princes and persuaded them against sending money to the pope in Italy.
Martin Luther responded to the Pope’s condemnation by establishing the Lutheran Church. The reformers became know as Protestants. Gutenburg's printing press helped Luther and his follower to spread their ideas throughout Europe.
Christianity Protestant Eastern Orthodox Catholic Greek Orthodox Russian Orthodox Protestant Lutheran Anglican Calvinism Presbyterian
Later Reformers followed Luther’s lead. John Calvin started a new Protestant Church in Geneva.
Effects of the Reformation End of Religious Unity Growth of royal Power Persecution of religious minorities (rulers wanted their subjects to be all one faith)
Catholic Counter Reformation The Catholic Church reacted to Protestantism by making limited reforms and curbing earlier abuses. Council of Trent —redefined Catholic beliefs and ended the sale of indulgences Banned Protestant Books Established the Inquisition—court whose purpose was to punish heretics (those who denied Church teachings. / torture)
The Jesuits, began by Ignatius Loyola in 1534, were dedicated to defending and spreading the Catholic faith.
Catholic Nations —France , Italy, Spain and Southern Germany Protestant —Northern Germany, Holland, Scandinavia and England