Health and HIV Economics Module I Keys Areas of HIV M&E First face-to-face session Unit 1 HIV: Global Pandemics and Global Commitment (January 20th to 26th) Unit 2 Monitoring HIV Response: Policies, Performance and Prevalence (January 27th to February 2nd) Module II Improving M&E Systems Unit 3 HIV M&E System: Assessing 12 Components (February 3rd to 9th) Unit 4 Improving HIV M&E System: SWOT Analysis and LogFrame (February 10th to 16th) Module III Health and HIV Economics Unit 5 Health and HIV Economics: An Overview (February 17th to 23th) Unit 6 Effectiveness- Based Priorization and Resource Allocation for HIV Populations and Interventions (February 24th to March 2nd ) Unit 7 Funding the Response: Country Ownership and Sustainability (March 3rd to 7th)
Remember to submit your exercises and tests according to the established dates, because these are part of your final evaluation.