Review: Implementation of Smart Cities Mission Haryana 20-01-2017
SPV & PMC Name of City Date of Establishment of SPV No. of Human Resources appointment Date of Issue of Lol For PMC # of RFPs Completed by PMC CEO CFO CS Others Faridabad 12-08-16 HR RFP Issued 1 RfP issued 11.01.2017 Commencement of Work by March, 2017 NIL RfPs issued by SPV RfP issued for credit rating on 13.01.2017 RfP for E-Toilet issued on 13.01.2017 RfP for HR ssued on 17.01.2017
Funds, etc Name of City Central Share transferred State Share transferred Equity (to be enhanced to Rs. 200 cr) PEMS Opened (Yes/No) Faridabad 2.00 crore NIL on receipt of fund authorized equity enhanced to Rs 200 crore by Board of Director yes
Projects – Core Infrastructure Smart Water ( Performance based contract) Sanitation Street Sweepage Integrated SWM Dumping Site Restoration Waste Water Recycling Smart Railway Stattion
Visible, Feel, Experience projects Name of City Smart Roads in areas (ABD) (No.) Implementation Status Smart Integrated Command & Control Centre Faridabad 13 (Proposed in SCP) Design competition floated for one Road section After PMC appointed
Project- “Smart” Solutions Name of City Proposed Projects (No.) RfP under preparation Work started (No.) Discuss – Plan of Action for RfPs under preparation Physical progress (% completed ) Faridabad 8 Yes No (after PMC appointed) NIL
Project- ABD City Name Project proposed (No.) RfP under preparation Work started (No.) Physical progress (% completed ) Faridabad 13 1 Smart road projects undertaken Design competition floated No (after PMC appointed)
Convergence- GOI, State Government, Others Name of Ministry/ Department/ Others Nos of Project Cost of Project Status MoUD under AMRUT scheme INR 77 crore 4.55 crore DPR being prepared by WAPCOS IRSDC scheme to redevelop railway station INR 61.55 crore Ministry of power under IPDs INR 10 crore Ministry of MNRE under the Solar INR 7 crore RFP is being prepared Government of Haryana- District Road Safety Program INR 3.96 crore Govt. of Haryana - Integrated Solid Waste Management project. INR 5 crore Government of India- City forest scheme INR 2 crore NHAI- 6 laning Delhi-Agra NH2
Projects- Modules, Packages prepared from separate projects City Name Projects proposed in SCP (Total no) Integration possible (no.) Not possible (No) Manner of integration Faridabad 69 Various modules is being prepared for integration
Finance- Projects pipeline Creation of pipeline of projects (Nos.)- WB/ADB AIIB HUDCO Brics NIIF JICA Others.
Funds- Bonds City Name Credit rating status Bonds issue- plan Progress in appointment of Transaction Advisors Faridabad RfP issued for credit rating on 13.01.2017 To be decided after outcome of Credit Rating
Finance-PPPs and JVs Name of City Proposed PPP in SCP (Total no.) Process started (no.) Likely date of bidding Proposed private Finance (Rs. Crores) in bidding Faridabad Solar City Mission / Solar Roof Tops INR 19.50 crore Developing real estate asset on MCF land INR 965 crore Constructing 100 Bus Q Shelters INR 23 crore INR 1007.50 crore
MIS-Excel worksheets, Gantt Charts No. of Gantt Worksheets (proposal wise milestones) Name of City (Yes/No) Smart Net – htpp:// Name of City (No. of Registrations)
CBUD (Capacity Building for Urban Development) progress Name of City Status of VCF policy revision Status of property tax rationalization Status of NRW reduction Status of Waste Water recycling Faridabad -
Milestones for 25 June 2017 (City Wise) Number of projects likely to be started – 4 Nos Number of projects likely to be completed List of visible & felt outcomes for people
Fast Track & Round 2 Cities (City Wise) Name of City Date of SPV establishment Date of issue of tender for PMC Date of completion of credit rating No. of registrations of Smart Net Faridabad 12.8.2016 11.01.2017 March 2017
Issue for discussion with MoUD Flexibility in staffing