Your Irvington Transcript Updated: 2/2017
Counselors A-Do: Ms. Velazco Dr-Kr: Ms. Bennett Ku-Ng: Ms. Mintey Nh-So: Ms. Velasquez Sp-Z: Ms. Serrano College & Career Specialist: Ms. Abogado
Best ways for STUDENTS to contact a counselor: Counselors have student drop-in times listed on their door. Face to face contact with counselors is encouraged as it is a great way for students to get to know their counselor.
Career Center Webpage College and Career Center: Calendar showing upcoming visits from college reps College requirement info Financial aid information College application information Career information Military information Summer opportunities Scholarship information And more!!
Counselor’s Corner: Important announcements PowerPoints/ FAQs Resources for students struggling academically Resources for health and wellness 4 year plan College Planning Checklist Irvington course offerings Registration information Graduation reqs/college entrance reqs A-g list And more!
Resources/Interventions for students that are struggling academically find on under counseling tab
Resources for Health and Wellness find on irvington Resources for Health and Wellness find on under counseling tab Health and Wellness Resources/Agencies link: Are you or a friend feeling stressed out/overwhelmed? Does your family need help signing up for health insurance? Do you need information on housing? Students can also see their counselor in person during lunch and after school for more information.
Also on, find club information, calendars, information on the benchmarks (Change, WIP, QUEST) etc. Sport Information.
Athletics: Coach and director information can be found here.
Naviance Aligns students’ strengths and interests with college and career goals Explore now, so you don’t waste time later Learn about yourself and how to study effectively Naviance offers: Assessments, college searches, career searches Learn about college options Learn what careers fit you You can use Naviance to find careers that match your interests/abilities. You can select classes at Irvington that match their career interests.
Shmoop Free access to exam prep including practice tests and drills -Essay lab to help students write essays -Study guides for many subjects To sign up: magic word: ELUANT
Make sure everything is correct. Review all classes and grades
Req: Required Rec: Received In-Prog: In Progress Sched: Scheduled for the next semester Credit Summary Credits Needed
230 credits are required to graduate Credits at Irvington Students earn 5 credits per semester class. Most students take 6 classes per semester. 5 credits per class X 6 classes = 30 credits per semester / 60 credits per year 60 credits per year X 4 years = 240 credits 230 credits are required to graduate Semester grades are the only grades listed on the transcript.
Graduation Requirements Electives: 75 credits required. Any class taken after a subject requirement is met is counted as an elective (Ex: Your 3rd year of science counts as an elective) English: 40 credits required. Fine Art/World Language/CTE: You need 10 credits of a Fine Art OR World Language OR ROP class to graduate Math: 30 credits required including BOTH semesters of Algebra 1 or Algebra IA AND 1B. PE: 20 credits required Science: 20 credits required
Graduation Requirements Continued Social Science: 30 credits required (world history, US history, Gov/econ) Health: 5 credits required Students earn 60 credits per school year. To be on track, after semester 1, you should have: 140 credits if you are a 11th grader 80 if you are an 10th grader 30 if you are a 9th grader
Credit Recovery Add a 0 period (10 credits per year) course offerings: 0 period PE and American Sign Language Add a 7th period (10 credits per year) course offerings: Stagecraft and Marching Band Adult School: Has a Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter. Students can take 2 classes (10 credits total) per quarter. See your counselor to register (For 11th and 12th graders only). Summer School: 2 semester classes per summer (Example: world history semester 1 and world history semester 2 would be the max of 10 credits total per summer) See your case manager or counselor ASAP if you need to make-up credits.
What Happens if you don’t Pass your Classes? 12th graders transcript Student failed 35 credits in 9th grade and 40 credits in 10th grade. To graduate, he spent 594 hours in Adult School classes during 11th and 12th grade and 360 hours in summer school.
Service Hours Log hours in 40 Hours are required Click here to get started. Everyone needs to create an account. Log hours in 40 Hours are required There is an app available. Search Apple or Google Play: ServiceKarma (one word) See Mr. Lewis in rm 212 if you have questions.
Total enrollment: 2.1 million students Community Colleges 113 campuses located throughout California (Ohlone, De Anza, Chabot and Mission College are the closest to Fremont) Total enrollment: 2.1 million students Requirements: 18 years old OR have a high school diploma Types of programs: Complete 60 units (2 years on average) for an AA/AS degree which can transfer to a 4 year university (transfer to a 4 year university as a junior) Photo: Ohlone College’s Newark Campus
Community Colleges Continued Types of programs (continued): 2. Vocational programs: A series of career-focused courses that prepare graduates for the workforce in a relatively short amount of time. Programs are usually between 9 month and two years in length. Examples: Registered Nursing Program at Ohlone Community College (two academic years in length) Cosmetology Program at Laney Community College (1600 hours in length) Automotive Technology Program at Chabot Community College (4 semesters in length) Radiologic Technology Program at Foothill Community College (22 months in length) 3. Enrichment classes and classes to develop skills (English classes, computer classes, etc.)
California College Systems Types of Colleges Community Colleges California State Universities (CSU) University of California (UC) Independent Colleges Campuses 133: Ohlone, De Anza, Chabot, Las Positas, San Jose City, Evergreen, Foothill, etc. 23 CSUs: East Bay, San Jose State, San Francisco, Monterey Bay, Sonoma, Los Angeles, etc. 10 UCs: Berkeley, Davis, San Francisco, Irvine, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Merced, Santa Cruz, San Diego, Riverside Note: UC San Francisco is a medical center and currently is not providing bachelor degrees. 76 members: Stanford, University of Santa Clara, University of San Francisco, Mills College, University of the Pacific, etc. Websites Nature of programs Two-Year Schools Complete courses for the first 2 years of a bachelor’s degree transferable to UC and CSU Vocational programs Enrichment and job skills classes Four-Year Schools with Graduate Programs Various majors and programs Bachelor’s degrees Master’s degrees Teaching credentials Doctorate and Professional degrees Two and Four-Year Schools, some with Graduate Programs Various majors and academic programs are offered at each campus. Check college websites or catalogues.
ACT (writing section not required) California College Systems Continued Types of Colleges Community Colleges California State Universities (CSU) University of California (UC) Independent Colleges Freshmen Requirements No subject requirements. Must be a high school graduate or 18 years of age. Some programs have pre-requisite requirements. Check college websites or catalogues. See slide on a-g requirements. Requirements vary by school. Check college websites or catalogues. Tests Math and English assessment tests are required for new students in order to be placed at the correct skill level. These tests are not used to exclude students. Tests are given after an application is submitted, usually followed by an orientation, counseling, and enrollment into classes. ACT (writing section not required) or SAT Reasoning Test ELM- Entry Level Math Test EPT- English Placement Test (These tests are not used for admission purposes) ACT plus writing Recommended: Certain SAT Subject tests are recommended for certain majors. Check with interested colleges for specific information. Some schools may require the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT plus writing and/or SAT Subject Tests. Check college websites or catalogues for specific test requirements.
Registering for your 2017/18 Classes At Irvington
Online Registration A PORTION of registration will be completed by students online this year on your own time. Easy to follow directions for requesting courses are included in your registration packet. Fill out your paper registration form (and get teacher signatures if required) before entering your course requests online. You will not be able to select teachers or periods. These are course requests. The online portal will open on Feb 21st and close during the evening on Feb 26th. More info will come through SchoolLoop. You will only be able to submit your course requests online once, and you will not be able to change them. Be accurate. Your counselor will be meeting with you individually to review your entered course requests after your packet deadline, and make sure you have met prerequisites.
Registration form is due to your English teacher February 28th (11th graders) March 1/2nd (9th graders) 3rd (10th graders)! Students will be meeting with their counselor individually to have their online course requests reviewed, and will have the opportunity to ask questions at that time. If there is a possibility you might not be at IHS next year, register for classes anyway so you have a spot in the event you stay. Choosing your classes: Select an English and History option.
Select a math and science course. Choose your electives. Choose your electives thoughtfully based on meeting graduation requirements. List classes in order of preference and make sure to list an alternate elective. If you do not complete each space and the class you want is full, an elective will be chosen for you. Make sure to have teachers sign for EVERY course that requires a teacher’s signature or the course request will not be honored. Courses that need a signature say “Teacher Rec” next to them on the Course Options Form.
Off-Campus ROP Classes Mission Valley ROP provides relevant career technical education by preparing students for employment and college through industry standard tools, training, and experience. Important Notes: Classes are 2 periods in length and are held at the ROP center (they are 1st and 2nd period or 5th and 6th). There is a bus that takes students to/from the ROP center. Course information/videos and requirements can be found at Some class offerings: Automotive Technology Law Enforcement Auto Body Painting BioMedical Science Emergency Medical Responder Digital Sound Design Careers in Education Nursing Assistant
Cyber Security: Mr. Albizo. Area “g.” New/Newer Classes: Guitar: No prior experience needed. It is preferred that student can provide their own guitar. Guitar 2: For students that have prior experience. See Mr. Anaya for approval. Introduction to Engineering Design No experience required. Geometry or higher concurrent. CAAD software used. Ms. Berbawy. Cyber Security: Mr. Albizo. Area “g.” Spanish for Spanish Speakers: Equivalent to level 3. Mr. Ballado. Changes: Weight Training: Must have 20 units of PE complete. Elective credit only.
Parent and student signatures are required. Note that: Proof of residency: Attach COPIES (you will not get them back) of two forms of proof. Parent and student signatures are required. Note that: Course requests cannot be guaranteed Students will not be able to drop classes once the school year begins. Teacher recommendations can be revoked based on 2nd semester performance. Your transcript MUST stay attached to this packet!!!!! You must have your case manager’s signature! Counselors are available to STUDENTS during lunch and after school during the registration weeks. They are not in their offices (in classes doing registration) during class periods.