Year 11&12 Subject Selection – Religious Education Picture??
Selection 1. Religion and Society 1. 2018 (2017- Religion and Society 2 it alternates each year.)
Course Description Religion and Society 1: This course aims to foster the faith formation of the students. It assists in developing a knowledge and understanding of the beliefs, practices, principles and codes of religions provide ways in which individuals can answer questions about the meaning and purpose of life. Students investigate the development of Catholicism and other religions present in Australia. RAS 1 is a VCE subject with outcomes and a VCAA result at the end of year. Students will be required to sit an exam at the end of term 3.
Selection 2. Religion and Society 3/4. (2017- Not offered)
Course Description Religion and Society 3/4: This course is a VCE 3/4 sequence with a score towards a student’s ATAR. It is a subject that aims to encourage the pursuit or quest for meaning. Unit 3 Religion has developed answers in the form of various beliefs and other aspects that have offered ways of establishing meaning – not only for human existence, but also for all that exists. The aspects of religion have also attempted to explain the nature of relationships between humans individually and collectively, between humans and ultimate reality and between humans and the rest of the natural world.
Course Description The beliefs of any religion are the ideas held about ultimate reality and the meaning of human existence, such as the purpose of all life and notions of the afterlife. These beliefs together with their expressions through the other aspects form the distinctive identity of a religious tradition. Religious tradition/s or denomination/s are to be selected from one or more than one of the following religious traditions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism.
Course Description Unit 4 This unit focuses on the interaction over time of religious traditions and the societies of which they are a part. Religious traditions are living institutions that participate in and contribute to wider societies – both positively and negatively. They stimulate and support society, acting as levers for change themselves and embracing or resisting forces for change within society. Review the impact of Religion on society and society on Religion.
Administration Aspects Year 11 students may apply for this course as an accelerated program. Year 12 students will gain more students sessions with this course. The program will only run if sufficient students apply. Your studies in RE will be reviewed for your capacity to complete this course. If you require additional information please see Mrs Towns in R6.
Year 11&12 Subject Selection – Selection 3: CSYMA Picture??
Selection . CYSMA Application Process Students will need to approach REC (Religious Education Coordinator) and request an application form. Students will need to be accepted into the program.
Course Description This course aims to foster the faith formation of the students. It assists in equipping individuals with basic ministry skills and provides opportunities for the students to minister within and beyond the school. It seeks to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. Students must fill in an application form for CSYMA.
Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Liturgical Celebration leadership and participation. Teaching Social Justice to Year 8 students Leadership styles Film study related to Leadership Preparation of Homeless sleep-out Preparation for Liturgical Celebrations Delivery of class activities on social justice to Junior students. Essay on Leadership Exam Reflection/Evaluation of Homeless Sleep-out
Subject pathway…. Students who do CSYMA in Year 11 can do VCE Religion and Society Units, 1 or 2, or 3 and 4 in Year 12. Students may also choose to do CSYMA in Year 12 but their acceptance into this subject is dependent on their efforts in Year 11.
Extra activities/costs? Expected to be involved in a Homeless Sleepout at Nagle- $10 for food and blanket making. Expected to attend the Diocesan CSYMA day- $10 for food on the day.
Year 11&12 Subject Selection – No 4. Liturgical Music Through The Ages Psalm 100.1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ‘
Course Description The Liturgical Music Stream is a practical Religious Education elective for Year 11 and 12 students. Students involved are actively involved in Liturgies, Masses and the broader liturgical life of our college. Through music and as a part of an active community faith, students are invited to consider their own faith journey within the Catholic tradition. Liturgical Music provides students with opportunity to work collaboratively with like-minded students. Repertoire will be carefully selected to ensure understanding of: The role of the Mass Christian Prayer and Meditation Social Justice
Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Core components of Music Liturgy are the study of music from a range of Mass settings through history. Social justice issues will be explored and discussed through liturgical and freedom songs from South African and Gunnai-Kurnai communities. Students will be encouraged to feel a connection with their Christian ancestors through Latin text repertoire whilst feeling solidarity with our indigenous community. Students will also study contemporary liturgical music. A range of music will be performed in Liturgies. Work Tasks Assessment tasks Research and discussion of historical and contemporary Liturgical Music Development of choir techniques and instrumental roles in preparing Liturgical Music Singing and instrumental rehearsals for College Liturgies and Events Develop and apply criteria to evaluate the outcomes of group tasks and make recommendations for improvements. Reflection Journal- a folio Performance Ethic- assessment of practical participation and cooperation with other students Written exam
Subject pathway…. Liturgical Music Through The Ages compliments other Music subjects and supports further study in many Arts related areas. The collaborative work develops the personal social skills of persistence, motivation, initiative and decision-making.
Extra activities/costs? Students are expected to be available for performances in the greater community. Written applications are required to be submitted to the Religious Education Co- ordinator, to be eligible to participate in this course. They are available at Student Reception.
More information…. Maureen Plunkett 2017 Ms Dionne Rettino