Effects of respiratory rate and tidal volume on evaporative loss at constant intrapulmonary perfluorocarbon volume (10 mL·kg−1) and positive end-expiratory pressure (5 cmH2O). Effects of respiratory rate and tidal volume on evaporative loss at constant intrapulmonary perfluorocarbon volume (10 mL·kg−1) and positive end-expiratory pressure (5 cmH2O). Data from six isolated nonperfused rabbit lungs. Data are presented as mean±sd. With increasing respiratory rate and tidal volume evaporative perfluorocarbon loss increased in a linear fashion (r2 coefficients of linear regression lines). The following tidal volumes are represented (mL·kg−1). •: 10 (r2=0.89); ♦: 6.6 (r2=0.95); ▪: 5.0 (r2=0.96); ▴: 3.3 (r2=0.86). S.A. Loer et al. Eur Respir J 2002;20:1499-1504 ©2002 by European Respiratory Society