AdvancED Accreditation Proposal LaToya Harrison Assistant Superintendent Suffolk School Board July 13, 2017 Put your notes here
AdvancED The goal of AdvancED is to help schools continuously improve. The process involves an in depth review by an external review team. Most Recent Accreditation Review: Dec 8, 2007 Expiration Date: Jun 30, 2018
AdvancED Accreditation Options AE Improvement Network Division Level Accreditation Accreditation for High Schools only Annual Membership Access to all contin. improvement tools. AdvancED Performance Standards Student engagement reviews and reports Workshops, conferences etc. AdvancED Improvement Network Seal AdvancED Accreditation Seal Reviews No Review Division Level Review School level reviews Review Cycle/Membership Annual membership Annual membership for the entire division. Review cycle varies based on the outcomes of the review. Annual membership for the individual schools. Review cycle varies based on the outcomes of the review. Date/Timeframe Ongoing Granted an extension until SY 2018-19. Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark
Approximate Cost AdvancED Improvement Network AdvancED Improvement Network Division Level Accreditation Accreditation for High Schools only Annual Cost (non-review year) $1500/school; $1500/division $28,500 $900/division; $900/school $17,100 $900/high school $2,700 year Review Year Additional Costs Does not require a review Hotel, meals, mileage for 4 reviewers 2 days each. (Approx. $3000) ***Review Fee = TBD Hotel, meals, mileage for 4 reviewers 2 days each. (Approx. $9000) 5 Year Cost $142,500 ~$88,500 plus a TBD review fee ~$22,500 plus a TBD review fee
Recommendation In light of changes to the state’s accountability system and the development of the Profile of a Virginia Graduate, we propose discontinuing the division level review through AdvancED and only continuing with the high school review process in the next AdvancED review cycle.
Continuous Improvement is the Goal The ultimate goal is continuous improvement and quality assurance. The proposed changes to the VDOE School Accountability System and Profile of a Virginia graduate provides a more comprehensive review and evaluation of our district. Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark
Profile of a Virginia Grad The VA Board of Education has heard from students, families and educators that earning a diploma should be about more than passing a prescribed series of courses and tests. The board also has heard from higher education, businesses and the military that graduates need skills and attributes such as critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, collaboration and citizenship, to be successful in life. In response, the board is redesigning the high school experience and developing a “Profile of a Virginia Graduate.” The Profile of a VA Graduate describes the knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes that students must attain to be successful in college and/or the work force and to be “life ready” in an economy and a world characterized by rapid change. Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark Source: Virginia Department of Education
Profile of a Virginia Graduate Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark Source: Virginia Department of Education
Revised VA Accountability System The Revised Accountability System will: Provide a comprehensive picture of school quality Drive continuous improvement for schools Provide technical assistance and school improvement resources Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark
Proposed Revisions to the State Accountability System Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark Source: Virginia Department of Education
Proposed Revisions to the State Accountability System Yellow - meets or exceeds State benchmark Source: Virginia Department of Education
Suffolk Public Schools Goals for 2016-17 Goal 1: Improve Student Achievement and Close the Academic Achievement Gaps Goal 2: Provide a Safe and Nurturing Environment Goal 3: Provide Strong Leadership for Effective and Efficient Operations Goal 4: Advance Academic Achievement through Enhanced Instructional Skills, Gained by Professional Development Goal 5: Strengthen Collaboration with Stakeholders and Increase Parent and Community Satisfaction