The miracle and Sanctity of life


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Presentation transcript:

The miracle and Sanctity of life Aim: to understand the terms the miracle of life and sanctity of life. Goal: to understand key religious ideas on children as a blessing and miracle. Plts: reflective thinker

What colour is new life to you- why?

Why is this baby a miracle? Why is this baby a blessing?

Discussion A blessing? A miracle?

Key Terms Miracle of Life- The idea that life is, wonderful, amazing or special. Blessing- The idea that God has favoured a couple with a child.

Why do some people not have a baby? And or this clip at 00:56- 1:46 – show clips to stimulate thinking

How do we celebrate the arrival of a new born baby? Christianity Islam How do we celebrate the arrival of a new born baby? None Religious

Christianity Islam Baptism Water is used to wash away sin –why? As soon as babies are born the shahadah is whispered into the ear Something sweet (sugar) is placed on tongue Gifts are given to thank Allah After 7 days the Aqiqah ceremony takes place –shaving head, naming child, donating to poor After 8 days the khitan (circumcision) takes place for boys. Baptism Water is used to wash away sin –why? Some Christians believe we are all born with inherited sin from Adam and Eve Could be service of thanksgiving and baptism occurs when the child is an adult

Christians and Muslims will celebrate the life of a new born baby because it is sacred. This idea is called the sanctity of life.

Knowing this definition would be worth one mark in the exam. Key Term The Sanctity of Life The Belief that life is holy and belongs to God Knowing this definition would be worth one mark in the exam.

Why is human life sacred?

Why is human life sacred? Human beings have the ability to make moral decisions. They can freely do good out of love, reflecting the love of God, which makes them special among all other living creatures. By implication, the taking of a life ends the earthly possibilities of a loving, morally good person. There is something of God in a human person. Therefore to take a human life is to kill a God like creature, to take away part of the image of God. God has an intention, a destiny for every human being he created. By implication, it is not for human beings to interrupt the purpose by taking life. Christ became human and showed the possibility of perfection that human beings can aspire to. By implication the taking og a human life ends the possibility of a person becoming more Christ like in this world. Why is human life sacred? Allah was responsible for creating the original life forms. He has prompted the development of life over millions of years, leading to the situation we have today. Allah is in charge of life- birth and death and he has decided when that should be.

Which of these teachings would support the idea of the sanctity of life. 'So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.' ‘Do not murder’ ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ ‘There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die’ 'Love your friends and hate your enemies.' ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’ ‘Then God said ‘Let us make man in our own image’ 'You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

Just a Minute Plenary What have you learnt today? Speak to the person next to you for 30 seconds and then swap over!

Which life has more value – why?