www.sustain.dtu.dk Registration deadline 4th November 2016 NB: Be quick - last year all seats were booked before deadline
Background: The quest for a sustainable society -and so the funding agencies call for… Societal challenges of horizon2020 → Health, demographic change and wellbeing; → Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy → Secure, clean and efficient energy; → Smart, green and integrated transport; → Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; → Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Inno+: Water, Resources, Green solutions, Climate, Sustainability… Point 1 of 5: A society with a green economy → Future energy → From knowledge about water, environment and ressources to competitive technologies and solutions → The future climate and climate technologies → Bioresources, foodstuff and other bio products The other 4 points: Health & Quality of life, Innovation, competitiveness, competence building. Sustainability is the overarching goal of Horizon2020 - and essential in Forsk2020 & Inno+ It will be guiding research funding for years to come.
Background: Where are our new DTU engineers heading? The large Danish export companies have a strong focus on green innovation and development. They account for of the total turnover within research and development, Of the total green R&D expenses of the Danish companies. … with the concept that “green transition” is about reducing the consumption of resources to get the world move towards an ideal situation with high growth without an environmental impact. Ask yourself: Will I be using more ‘green’ technology in the future? How can we best prepare DTU engineers for this? 3 2 ½ http://www.niras.dk/~/media/Files/NIRAS-DK/Aktuelt/Nyheder/pdf/Groen-omstilling.ashx
Claiming something is green is easy, but being able to document the expected impact is becoming increasingly important. Vision for Sustain DTU Knowledge Guides and information on assessing sustainable technologies to help you sharpen your argumentation and focus your research for better impact. Funding An update on funding possibilities and provide information and help to create new research projects and apply for funding. New teaching Find inspiration to create the new research and educational initiatives, as well as student projects testing out the ideas for the future research. The vision of the conference is to be the yearly meeting place for R&D of sustainable technology in Denmark The conference aims at giving you Presentations A forum to present your on-going research activities and ideas supporting the development of a sustainable society. Connections The meeting place where you will get an overview of all the activities at DTU and in Denmark and likely find new collaborators and get new ideas. Laptop presentations
Program for Sustain DTU Time Location Activity 8-9 Oticon Registration in Oticon, Coffee/tea, Poster setup in Glassalen/Oticon 9-9:30 10 min Welcome by Rector Anders Overgaard Bjarklev, DTU Plenary Talk TBA 9:30-11:00 Parallel sessions in Meeting center and Oticon Morning Sessions with talks, discussion & poster pitches A: ssessing Sustainability of Technologies B: Bioprocess joint with R: Biorefining F: Food Resources G: Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship H: The future of healthcare M: Sustainable Materials P: Improving Production S: State of the Earth U: Sustainability in a Chemical World 11:00-12:00 Oticon/glassalen Poster session with all posters (both morning and afternoon sessions) Lunch with Sandwiches 12:00-12:10 Michael Hauschild: ATV Welcome 12:10-12:35 UNs development goals for 2030 in a technology perspective Mogens Lykketoft 12:35-12:55 Sustainability as a business case for Danish technology and knowledge (Lene Lange, DTU, ) 12:55- 13:55 Session pitches: How Danish technology can lift environmental, social and economical sustainability (chair TBA) 13:55- 14:10 Oticon, glassalen meeting center Go to sessions pause with coffee/tea/cake 14:10-16:00 Parallel Sessions in Oticon, Glassalen and meeting center Afternoon Sessions E: Energy I: Biobased solutions L: Smart Liveable Cities W: Water 16:05 Glassalen 5 min summary of each sessions + discussion Ca 16:20-17:15 Continued Poster session + networking and DTUs brewery 17:15-18:00 Poster prize ceremony and continued poster session/networking The updated program is on http://www.sustain.dtu.dk/program Venue: Oticon & meeting center
Sessions The sessions cover all major technology domains in the Horizon, Forsk, and at DTU. Morning sessions A: When is a Technology Sustainable? B: Bioprocesses and Biorefinery F: Food Ressources G: Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship H: The future of Healthcare and Quality of Living M: Sustainable Materials P: Improving Production S: State of the Earth U: Sustainability in a Chemical World Afternoon sessions E: Sustainable Energy L: Smart Liveable Cities R: Biobased Solutions W: Water and Sustainability The updated Session descriptions are on http://www.sustain.dtu.dk/sessions