Co-founder Cleantech Arabia Finance track 1 Capacity Building Session for Green Entrepreneurs & Switchers: What kinds of financing instruments are available for green entrepreneurs and start-ups? How to effectively access to finance? Dr. Ahmed Huzayyin Co-founder Cleantech Arabia #switchmedconnect @switchmed
Cleantech Arabia in Brief Mission: Supporting Clean Technology markets in the MENA region for socio-economic development Strategy: Cluster development approach Support the clients market development Support the eco-system support entities and service providers Support businesses along value chain of business innovation and growth This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Clean Technology Markets 6 industry projects 20 articles 1000+ items on database cv cv Project development Clients Awareness & News Research Policy Eco-system Capacity building institutional development Market research Methods & Models cv Clean Technology Markets 75 companies 3.5 million EGP in 2015 investment 9 Governorates Rural 40% 6 entities supported 60 business opporunities Businesses Capacity building Consultancy Networking Finance This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Cleantech Arabia - Finance Facilitation of equity based finance, mostly seed stage, and micro to small stage Engaging investors capacity building Market data independent validation of businesses Preparing startups and MSEs become investment ready Guidelines for negotiations and shareholder agreements This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Finance – Myth and The Unusual Suspects What you might think is good Lower investment ask is good The shorter the payback the better I have to make profits ASAP What investors look for Do you have necessary investments to grow – what is the ratio of your assets to working capital How healthy is your cash flow, how high is your working capital, how does your cash conversion cycle looks like Growing revenues is more crucial This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Cleantech hints – It is about the market It is not about the technology, it is about the market Anaerobic digestion Small units for farmers Fertilizers Food & beverage waste to energy industry energy Small units for suburban homes Home and Garden PV irrigation, lighting, water, transportation Composite woods from agriwaste packing, furniture, wood industry Paper recycling niche products, paper, pulping This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Cleantech hints – Strategic Positioning Vertical versus horizontal growth Who really are you ? Fisheries water quality monitoring Efficient fisheries industry Water quality industry Or remote sensors This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Cleantech hints – Strategic Positioning Vertical versus horizontal growth Who really are you ? RDF to Cement Factories RDF Alternative fuels (biofuels, pyrolysis oils, biomass Energy Industrial waste management This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Cleantech hints – Strategic Positioning Vertical versus horizontal growth Who really are you ? PV Pumping Sustainable irrigation systems Energy for agriculture sector How to decide Market size Competitive edge This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Clean tech Specifics – Risks and Opp. Sectors such as water, energy, and waste management; are likely to have higher government regulations Effect of policies and legislations is crucial This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Cleantech Sectors - tips and tricks Waste management supply chain, quality of supply Energy client business case and finance Water quality and security Food health regulations and specifications, quality control This slide should introduce the keynote speaker
Merci pour votre attention أشكركم على حسن إهتمامكم Thank you This should be the last slide in the presentation