Los pronombres sujetos Subject Pronouns Los pronombres sujetos
Subject Pronouns Subject pronouns refer to the subject of the sentence What is the definition of a subject? The person or thing doing the action of the verb. To avoid unnecessary repetition, subject pronouns can be used to replace the subject. For example, in English I can replace “Matthew” with the subject pronoun “he” after I have established who I am talking about. What subject pronoun would you use to replace…? Elena My friends and I You and your friends
Subject Pronouns & Verb Charts SINGULAR PLURAL 1st person Yo = I Nosotros = We 2nd person Tú = You (informal/familiar) Vosotros = You all (in Spain) Él = He Ella = She Usted (Ud.) = You Ellos = They Ellas = They (feminine) Ustedes (Uds.) = You all 3rd person
To be or not to be… that is the question. SER
Ser means “to be” (am/are/is) Yo soy = I am Nosotros somos = We are Tú eres = You are Él es = He is Ella es = She is Ud. es = You are Ellos son = They are Ellas son = They are Uds. son = You all are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi8VW4xKciQ
When do you use SER? DOCTOR!
Yo soy Elena. I am Elena. Ella es alta. She is tall. escription D and Identity DOCTOR
Yo soy una profesora de español. I am a Spanish teacher. ccupation O DOCTOR
C DOCTOR haracteristic El bolígrafo es de plástico. The pen is plastic. Ella es inteligente. She is intelligent. haracteristic C DOCTOR
Son las tres y cinco. It’s 3:05. Hoy es el ocho de mayo Son las tres y cinco. It’s 3:05. Hoy es el ocho de mayo. Today is May 8th. ime & Date T DOCTOR
Nosotros somos de Florida. We are from Florida. Ellos son americanos Nosotros somos de Florida. We are from Florida. Ellos son americanos. They are American. rigin O DOCTOR
Ella es mi madre. She is my mom. Yo soy católico. I am Catholic. elationship R and Religion DOCTOR