Bones, Joints and Muscles inside our bodies PHYSICAL EDUCATION ESO
Skeleton – the bones
Skeleton – summary The skeleton has 5 main functions: Support Shape Exercise and diet are really important for healthy bones and teeth. The skeleton has 5 main functions: Support Shape Protection Movement Making blood cells Did you know that the human body has 206 bones? The longest is our femur in the leg and the smallest is the stirrup in the ear about 3mm long! Bones contain important minerals like calcium.
Skeleton – 5 functions Shape The skeleton gives our bodies their “body shape”. Support The skeleton gives our body a frame. Without it, we would collapse like jelly! Protection Our bones protect our vital organs e.g. the brain and heart. Make blood cells New blood is made inside our bones to keep us strong and healthy Movement Our muscles work to move our bones. Joints make the bones move in a certain way.
Joints allow your body to move in different ways. Joints – Intro There are 3 types of joint: Fixed (fibrous) joints Slightly movable (cartilaginous) joints Movable (synovial) Joints allow your body to move in different ways. Joints, muscles and bones are connected by tissues: Cartilage, Ligaments and Tendons
Joints – Spine The spine or backbone is divided into 5 different sections: Cervical Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx
Joints – Movement Joints move in different ways. There are 5 types of joint movement. Flexion – when a joint closes Extension – when a joint opens Abduction – when a body part moves away from the centre of the body Adduction – when a body part moves towards the centre of the body. Rotation – when a bone move around a pivot point.
Muscles – 3 Types Cardiac Muscles Only in the heart. Contract and relax continuously. Work without effort. Involuntary Muscles Around organs such as the intestines and blood vessels. Work without effort. Voluntary Muscles Attached to skeleton Work under your control.
The body has about 620 different muscles to help us move! Did you know? The body has about 620 different muscles to help us move! Muscles Trapezius Deltoids Pectorals Triceps Biceps Abdonminals Latissimus dorsi Quadriceps Gluteals Gastrocnemius (Calf) Hamstrings
Muscles – How do they work? Muscles pull our bones 4 Effects of using muscles They are attached to 2 bones by tendons Muscle Fatigue When you use your muscles they get tired. Muscles contract and relax Muscle Atrophy If you don’t use your muscles they shrink (get smaller). Muscles work in pairs Muscle Hypertrophy If you use your muscles they develop (get bigger). One contracts and the other relaxes The muscle that contracts is agonist Cramp A sudden contraction of a muscle that won’t relax. The other is antagonist