Energy and How We Get It
I can list different energy sources that can produce electricity. Learning Target 1/4/2016 I can list different energy sources that can produce electricity.
General ideas about electricity Ultimately all of our energy comes from the sun. Energy is created by the sun. On Earth, the sun’s energy is transformed into different forms. (Electricity is generated by transforming energy from one form into another.) In the space provided, identify two ways in which energy can be transformed into electricity.
Energy Transformations Quick description of energy transformations in electricity After watching video, list 3 facts (in sentence form) about generation of electricity and how it gets to our homes. About 5 minute video
Power Grid Most of our electricity that we, United States and Grafton, use is generated using ___________. What is the power grid? Video just published on power grid What is true about the voltage of the electricity produced and how it changes before it gets to our homes? about 11 minute video
Thinking about Going off the grid Refers to electricity usage and function What are the 3 processes that take place to get electricity to your home. G_____________, T____________, and D____________. Why is it necessary for a constant source of energy generation for the power grid? What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resource to can be used to generate energy? Never ending supply of energy About 2 minute video and another 2 minute video
Alternate Sources of Energy A variety of energy sources Solar power Solar power video Nova Wind Power Wind power in use Water power Hydropower Geothermal power Geothermal Energy Biomass Biomass used in Canada Nuclear Nuclear power explained or nuclear power if the first link crashes video about 4:30 minutes 3 minute for Solar power 2 minute on wind water power 4 minutes about 5 on Biofuels 5 minutes on nuclear power
And we do need to have some concerns about the power grid. Lights Out by Ted Koppel Lights Out video (About 9 minutes)