Tattenhall October 2016
Dates Redwood and Mulberry classes will be going on Monday 24th October – Wednesday 26th October.
Staffing Mr Shone Mrs Millar Mrs Capper (first aider) Mrs Mackay One other TBC
Timetable of activities leave school arrive at Tattenhall, induction (safety rules and procedures) explore the centre lunch art activity with the centre staff evening activities organised by Willow Wood staff e.g. games, outdoor experience, indoor activities
Day two morning -art led by Willow Wood staff afternoon - Team building with centre staff evening activities organised by Willow Wood staff e.g. games, outdoor experience, indoor activities
Day three clear rooms after breakfast orienteering / nature trail led by Willow Wood staff lunch back to school
Catering At Tattenhall we aim to provide a healthy and balanced menu. Breakfast A selection of cereals, juice and yogurts are in the dining room for you to help yourselves to, followed by a hot option served at 8.15 am. Lunch Lunch is sandwiches, crisps, fruit or yoghurt and a hot option which is served at 12.30 pm or a packed lunch which you can take out. Evening Meal The main meal is a 2 course meal with 2 options usually served at 4.45 pm. Snacks Tea, coffee, squash, milk, hot chocolate, biscuits and toast are available at all times from the dining room. Special Diets We have a wealth of experience of providing meals for all sorts of allergies and intolerances from mild to serious conditions. We ask for dietary requirements on the booking forms but we are also very happy to discuss any special needs with parents or schools and organise a pre-visit meeting if necessary.
Clothes (See kit list) Trousers Jumpers Extra socks Warm coats Hat and scarf Wellies or outdoor shoes Indoor shoes or slippers Night wear Toiletries The centre does have a limited supply of wellies and waterproofs if necessary
Other information We ask that children do not bring any electronic games, sweets or other food to eat other than a packed lunch on the first day. The children are well fed and a packed lunch will be provided by the centre on the second day. Children may bring a disposable camera but must look after it themselves. There is no need to buy new clothes, old ones are fine, they are likely to get very dirty! The children will not need to bring any money.
Please make sure permission slips and form Cs are signed and sent back to school. Talk to staff about any medication needed by your child. Please label and hand to a member of staff with written instructions. Please come and talk to us if you or your child has any concerns. The children will have a great time!
You can pay in instalments and a card will be given to you from the office staff. Ensure you bring this whenever you pay so it can be updated. It would be appreciated if this process could begin before we depart for Tattenhall.
There is further information about the Tattenhall Education Centre on their website: http://www.conwaycentres.co.uk/tattenhall/