Lecture 1 Syllabus Dr. Hatem Elaydi ECOM 5368 Engineering Management (Entrepreneurship & ework) Islamic University of Gaza Sep. 9, 2017
Outlines: Course bio and Instructor info Course description and objectives Course requirements Course learning outcomes Course grading Course contents Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course bio and Instructor info Course: ECOM 5368 Engineering Management (entrepreneurship and ework) Semester: Fall 2017 Prerequisites: Senior standing Textbook:. None, but students should expect to have reading assignments that will be posted by the instructor Instructor: Dr. Hatem Elaydi, Room: B329, Phone: 2853, Email: helaydi@iugaza.edu.ps Office Hours: 10-12 SaMW, 11-12 SuT Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course bio … Recommended Reading: The Art of the Start: The time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything, Kawasaki, Guy, Portfolio – a member of Penguin Group; 2004 Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise, Dorf, Richard, Byers, Thomas, and Nelson, Andrew; 3rd Edition, 2009 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 3rd Edition, Bruce R. Barringer and R. Duane Ireland, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Entrepreneur magazine: www.entrepreneur.com Entrepreneurial Small Business: 3rd edition; Jerome A. Katz & Richard P. Green ; McGraw-Hill Irwin publishing. Business, 3rd ed.,Griffin and Ebert, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course description and objectives The course introduces engineering students to the concepts and practices of technology entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurship. Using lectures, case studies, business plans, and student presentations, the course teaches life skills in entrepreneurial thought and action that students can utilize in starting technology companies. The course also introduces students to the concept of ework. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course objectives … Explore the entrepreneurial mindset and culture that has been developing in companies of all sizes and industries; Examine the entrepreneurial process from the generation of creative ideas to exploring feasibility to creation of an enterprise for implementation of the ideas; Experience the dynamics of participating on a business team and the power inherent in a team relative to individual effort; Create and present a business plan for a technology idea; Provide the background, tools, and life skills to participate in the ework environment. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course requirements Attendance is mandatory at all sessions (especially guest sessions), and more than three unexcused absence can result in loss of grades. A course website is available to students through IUG and Piazza. The website will contain assignments, lecture / seminar notes and other presentation and reading materials. Students are responsible for checking this often throughout the course as information may be updated frequently. Facebook Group to post items of interest. Students are required to join the group and review all postings by the instructor so that they can participate in the discussion. TEAMING: students will be required to work in teams (of no less than 2 but more than 4 students) throughout the semester. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course learning outcomes Provides students with: an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams; an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility; an ability to communicate effectively; an ability to determine the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context; an ability to navigate contemporary issues. an ability to build a business plan. and, an ability to create an ework profile Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course learning outcomes… Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Recognize their personal interests and applicability to the areas of entrepreneurship 2. Develop skill sets in the areas of opportunity recognition, research, and team dynamics. 3. Comprehend the steps in and processes of planning, decision- making and strategy development. 4. Illustrate their understanding of market analysis, operational and financial management. 5. Construct an abbreviated feasibility analysis and a formal business plan document. 6. Demonstrate their presentation and sales skills. 7. Defend their business plan analysis. 8. Understand the key and critical elements of starting a business enterprise. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course grading Individual Idea Overview – individual work (20 pts) Student Biography – Individual work (20 pts) Individual Idea Overview – individual work (20 pts) Company Idea Overview - Team work (30 pts) Value Proposition Presentation - Team work (40 pts) Financial Projections - Team work (40 pts) Business Plan Presentation - Team work (100 pts) Written Business Plan - Team work (100 pts) Mid-term Exam (200 pts) Final Exam – Individual work (300 pts) Ework – Individual work (100 pts) Class Participation – Individual work (50 pts) Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course contents The course is presented in a simulated “real-world” format, including: students taking the roles of company founders and investors, creating a vision and execution plan for their company, and raising funds – exactly as they would in a true entrepreneurial endeavor. The course themes are as follow: I. Introduction to Entrepreneurship – Introduction to Technology Entrepreneurship and Technology Ventures, Attributes and Myths of Technology Entrepreneurs, Engineers as Entrepreneurs, Mindset of the Entrepreneurial Leader, Creating and Selling the Entrepreneurial Value Proposition. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course contents (2)… II. Idea Generation and Feasibility Analysis – Entrepreneurial Idea Generation and Feasibility Analysis, Technology Commercialization Potential, Paths and Barriers from Idea to Market, Assessing and Presenting the Opportunity. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course contents (3)… III. Business Planning and Execution – Business Structuring and Strategy, Business planning and the Business Plan, Financial Analysis and Projections; Market and Competitive Analysis, Presentation of the Opportunity, Marketing, Sales and Distribution Strategies, Investment and Financial Strategies, Venture Growth and Value Harvesting. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship
Course contents (4)… IV. Building ework profile: navigating ework sites, building ework profile, developing ework skills, participate in ework. Dr. Hatem Elaydi, IUG, Fall 2016, Entrepreneurship