Challenges to the district of columbia’s gun laws under GOP Government Ladd Everitt Director One Pulse for America
Tough laws, but vulnerable Some of the toughest gun laws in the country: Licensing & Registration for all firearms Assault Weapons Ban 10-day waiting period Design safety standards for handguns One-Handgun-Per Month Reporting of lost and stolen firearms May-Issue: To get carry permit, one must “have a good reason to fear injury to his or her person or property.” Vulnerable to illegal gun trafficking from states with weak gun laws: 96% of DC’s crime guns come from an outside state. Virginia is top source state (by far). 1,609 guns recovered from crime scenes in 2015.
Control Freaks Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) Chair, House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform (202) 225-7751, (801) 851-2500
Rubio’s Rollback (202) 224-3041, (850) 599-9100 “As soon as you leave this hall, your life is in jeopardy. Right outside these doors of this hotel, 30,000 wanted felons—including murderers, rapists and robbers—are walking free in Washington, DC.“ – NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, CPAC 2011 NRA endorsed Florida Senator Marco Rubio in July 2016. $9,900 in contributions. Rubio introduced S. 162, a bill to repeal DC gun laws, on January 17, 2017. Force DC to implement “Shall Issue” system for concealed carry. Repeal licensing and registration system. Repeal ban on assault weapons. Facilitate the carrying of guns into sensitive public places. Block the Mayor and Council from enacting ANY future gun laws. (202) 224-3041, (850) 599-9100
Relevant Committees Stand-Alone Legislation (Rubio’s S. 162 & H.R. 1701 from Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio) House Government Oversight and Reform Committee Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee House Judiciary Committee Senate Judiciary Committee Amendments to DC Appropriations Bill House Committee on Appropriations Senate Committee on Appropriations
Front Line of Defense Mayor Muriel Bowser (202) 724-8052 Council Chair Phil Mendelson (202) 724-8032 Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (202) 225-8050
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