Educating Keswick Kelvin,Amy,Josh,James,
The audience and purpose Our target audience was teenagers or people from other schools. This was because we chose football and we thought that teenagers would be the suitable audience as they would be most likely to watch it.
What the focus is of our 5 minute video? Our focus will be about the football team at Keswick School in Year 10 Our film will be based on a comedy/documentary film. We will interview the teachers in the sports hall balcony. And the students (before the game and after the game).
Who is going to be feature in our video? Students (Everyone in the Year 10 Football club) we chose these because they are the main part of the football team and they know best out of everybody what its like. Teachers(Mr Ball, Mr Jones, Mr Bailey, Mr Troman) we chose these because they have been a part of the football such as coach or helper. Mr Ball- Coach for Football in Year 10 we chose Mr Ball because he is the current coach. Mr Jones- Previous coach we chose him because he used to be the coach for the team. Mr Bailey- To talk about the final win as the previous coach we chose Mr Bailey because he has been a previous coach of the team. Mr Troman-What do you think about Keswick school in football we chose Mr Troman because he is the main teacher of the football team and organises everything and has taken us on matches before.
The list of questions we are going to ask? The questions for the teachers How much have they improved and how did they improve? –Mr Ball What was it like when you used to train them? Any old stories or experience?-Mr Jones Are they successful? (if so Why?)- Mr Ball What are they like on the pitch and off the pitch?- For everyone Trolman-What do you think about Keswick school in football? What are they like as a bunch?- Mr Bailey
The list of questions that we are going to ask the students? What is your favourite part of the football team? Why did you join the football team? What's the football team like? How do you think you play as a team? Why do you like coming to football? Who is your inspiration?
Sound effects School bell- it lets the target audience know that educating Keswick is about a well known school and to also show what does the bell sound like in the morning in Keswick school. ;
The teachers will be held on the 4th of March at the sports hall balcony during break or lunch time whenever they are free. The following people are Mr Ball Mr Troman Mr Jones Mr Bailey The students from the Keswick school team will be held on 4th of March on the courts near the Maths village during lunch time from 12:35 to 13:00. The following people are James Mcgown-CB Jack Thompson- ST Jamie Suddaby-CB Charlie Goodwin-RM Jake Higgins-? Jamie Wilson- GK Matthew Williams-ST Matthew Scott-CB Ben Murphy-LB James Mawson-RM Jordan Shoroye-LM Frazer Meldrum-LM Stephen Moss-CM Josh Jackson-CM Log sheet Kelvin Tsoi Camera man Tuesday Lunch or break Sports Hall Balcony Teachers-Mr Bailey, Mr Troman,Mr Ball, Mr Jones Josh Jackson Interviewer Teachers -Mr Bailey, Mr Troman,Mr Ball, Mr Jones Amy Jackson Organiser Also any day during lunch or break time Courts on the maths village Students from Keswick school team Keelan Johnson Any day during lunch or break time James Mawson
Recce of filming location Our location for the interviews for the teachers will be located in the sports hall balcony because it is quieter and more spacious. Also the locations for the students who will be interviewed will be held at either before or after the game. Before the game we will interview at the courts to show what they are like and we would like to have some people training during the interview to show how good Keswick school football team is. We will film the teachers during lunch time on Tuesday and the students on the courts on the day when they have a match.
Our Script Script for voice over James: us pupils at Keswick school strive in sport and one of our most popular sports is football, and our trophy winning yr10 team who has been very successful over the last 18 months managed by the big bad Ball A.K.A Mr.Ball. James: (the team) Jamie Wilson, Ben Murphy, Matthew Williams, James Mcgown, Jack Thompson, Stephen Moss, Jamie Suddaby, Jake Higgins, Frazer Meldrum, Jordan Shoroye, Joshua Jackson.
The roles in our team Producer-Amy Jackson- We chose Amy because she is the most organise in our group Director-James Mawson- We chose James because he is energetic and has a great imagination. Sound- Josh Jackson- We chose Josh because he has a great skill on music Cameraman-Keelan Johnson- We chose Keelan because he has got good camera skills Researcher- Kelvin Tsoi- We chose Kelvin because he has got good researching skills