FY18 Perkins Workday Martin Kollman April, 2016
FY18 Funding Estimated Perkins Allocations - $3,918,868 normal allocation. Allocation by district using 70/30 formula. 70% Relevant Population Poverty student number (2013) 30% Census Population student number (2013) In May KBOR (State Fiscal Agent) will receive final amount awarded to Kansas for FY18. Approximately $10,000,000 total with ½ going to KBOR and ½ going to KSDE. 15% is pulled off for State Funding and Perkins Reserve. 85% goes straight to school districts.
FY18 Application Changes Current application document will stay the same. 2015-16 Core Indicators will likely have no or little data available due to testing changes and grades that took the state standardized tests. Grants do not need to have Action Plans for 1S1 (reading) & 1S2 (math)
Core Indicators 1S1 Academic Attainment in Reading/ Language Arts 1S2 Academic Attainment in Mathematics 2S1 Technical Skill Attainment 3S1 School Completion 4S1 Student Graduation Rates 5S1 Placement 6S1 Nontraditional Participation * 6S2 Nontraditional Completion Pathways Application – Reports – CAR Summary * Uses Participant data from Pathways
Core Indicator State Goals 2014-15 1S1 – 85% 1S2 – 80% 2S1 – 93% 3S1 – 97% 4S1 – 86% 5S1 – 85% 6S1 – 24% 6S2 – 23% 2015-16 1S1 – 85% 1S2 – 85% 2S1 – 94% 3S1 – 98% 4S1 – 90% 5S1 – 90% 6S1 – 24% 6S2 – 22%
CTE Student Definitions Current School Year: Participant – 0.5 credit in CTE pathway Concentrator – 2 credits in at least 2 levels (TSA Score/Grade) Completer – 3 credits in a CTE pathway with 2 credits at the technical and application level and a certification, assessment or combination of stackable assessments. Please put in all participants for 6S1 core indicator. Make sure “Concentrator who exited” data is complete and accurate for all other core indicators.
Action Plans Plans should use SMART format School/building wide if not district Demonstrate support via Perkins funding or district Change up action plans from year to year if not working Implement a multi-year plan that could make change Multiple grades, teachers, staff involved Incorporate with other plans or activities Have at least 3 things you will be doing
FY18 Reminders Documentation of Processes (KEY) The one new thing is that you MUST have written documentation of ALL your processes that involve Perkins or other Federal grants. (Electronic or Paper) Risk Assessment (Monitoring) will be based on applications, performance reports, expenditures, data submitted to state, and goal progress. No encumbering of funds – Items, services, professional development and other related costs must be purchased prior to the end of the grant to draw down funds. Last Drawdown Period - Awardees will be allowed to drawdown for July 1st period to cover full 12 months.
FY18 Reminders Earned Income - from use of Perkins equipment should always be reinvested in program. Income could impact future funding within the first year. All items under $5,000 per unit are now supplies. $3,000 and under do not require bid process $3,001 and high need 3 bids Data is key to future Perkins V and review by the state. Use SMART goals in narrative Key track of number of students impacted Use regional workforce data Identify goals met and percentage achieved in reports Make sure CTE student data is submitted in Pathways
Equipment & Supplies Small & low cost items are often better suited for .5 funding (keyboards, pliers, baking sheets) No consumables or less than 1 year lifespan Perkins supports new, enhanced, industry standards, current practice, and professional development to operate Over $5,000 per unit requires a state sticker from KSDE All items purchased with Perkins funds must be identified in some way. Sticker, in records, or designated areas. Keep records of all Perkins equipment, if it has been transferred and its location
Bidding Equipment $3,000 or less no bid is needed $3,000 - $150,000 (small purchase) requires a minimum of 3 bids and online is acceptable Bids need to be kept on file for equipment over $3,000 (electronically) and noted in application to KSDE Contact Martin Kollman at KSDE if you are unsure what is allowable at KSDE or what the process needs to be. mkollman@ksde.org
Disposing of Equipment Contact KSDE & Send Disposition Form - http://www.ksde.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=5K7kUXQN0q4%3d&tabid=654&portalid=0&mid=1779 (a) Equipment with a unit acquisition cost of less than $5,000 and equipment with no further use value: The equipment may be retained, sold or otherwise disposed of, with no further obligation to the federal government. Funds maybe used to purchase new equipment. (b) All other equipment, $5,000 or over: The equipment may be retained or sold, and funds maybe used to purchase new equipment.
FOOD & Meetings Individual meals, not provided, during travel are part of the allowable travel cost for PD, conferences, workshops and training. If hosting conference, food is allowable if it is a working meal at the event site. This also means advisory committee meetings. Conference: is defined as a meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium, workshop or event whose primary purpose is the dissemination of technical information beyond the non-Federal entity and is necessary and reasonable for successful performance under the Federal award.
Memberships & Earning Money Costs of the entity’s membership in business, technical and professional organizations are allowable. No individual memberships may be paid with Perkins funds, but other funds are allowed if applicable. Schools may not charge less for services that are equal to local businesses in the area/region, but may do so if the services are not at the same level. Equipment & Supplies purchased with Perkins funds should not be solely used to make money. No income should be paid to the students from profits made from Perkins equipment & supplies. Any funds made should be reinvested into the program.
Supplanting Using Perkins funds where General funds had been or could be used Flip-flopping between General, .5, or Perkins funds Prove you would loose the service, resource, person, or item if Perkins funds were not used Ask KSDE when in doubt!
Non-Traditional Students – 6S1 & 6S2 Non-Traditional Name CIP Code Non-Traditional for: Agribusiness Systems 01.0101 Female Animal Science 01.0901 Biochemistry 14.1401 Cartography/Geospatial/Spatial Mathematics 15.1102 Construction & Design 46.0000 Corrections, Security, Law & Law Enforcement 43.0199 Early Childhood Development & Services 19.0709 Male Education & Training 13.0101 Emergency & Fire Management Services 43.0299 Engineering & Applied Mathematics 14.0101 Food Products & Processing Systems 01.0401 Health Science 51.9999 Manufacturing 48.0000 Mobile Equipment Maintenance 47.9999
Non-Traditional Students – 6S1 & 6S2 Non-Traditional Name CIP Code Non-Traditional for: Natural Resources & Environmental Systems 03.0101 Female Network Systems 11.0901 Plant Systems 01.1101 Power, Structure, & Technical Systems 01.0201 Programming & Software Development 11.0201
Non-Traditional Action Plans Promote careers in these pathways to all students Bring in speakers, business professionals & local industry Posters, web sites, explore days, activities Post-secondary program connection Past students return to highlight current activities Elementary & middle school career exploration Hands-on & real-world projects Job shadowing or work experience Field trips to local or regional businesses CTSO activities that connect to these pathways
Perkins Application Tips Make sure $ amounts match across the application Narrative is quality rather than quantity, but don’t skimp on quality! Narrative should NOT be only maintenance or a copy of last year. Look at improvement and expanding. If the district or consortium has a multi-year activity, it is allowable from one grant year to the next. Budget items support WHAT? (pathway, activity, teacher) Data Worksheet is completed and matches Action Plan for Improvement
Perkins Application Tips Narrative: Identify goals and activities that align with pathway improvement plans in district. Look at initiatives that include the entire district and all pathways Use SMART Goals – Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely Consortiums should have examples of them working together. (ex. Software purchase, Professional Development, Purchasing Items, Speakers, Funds Going to Greatest Need) Not just formula distribution.
Perkins Application Tips Required Use of Funds: Performance – End Result Programmatic – How it will be done Data/Deliverables – How to measure results of programmatic Goal/Indicator – Item or action to show the result has been met Core Indicators – 1 or more are met List all funds and resources for support
Perkins Application Tips Identify meetings, minutes, and groups. Signatures can be digital or typed if a signed copy is kept locally. Send application to KSDE in a MSWord document or PDF. (If you scan, image quality doesn’t have to be high.) Keep it as 1 document and if signatures are scanned, send separately of application file. Talk to other districts and consortiums on how they complete their applications.
Perkins Monitoring Desk Audit with option of Site Visit – Consultants may visit any Perkins recipient during the school year to view activities, equipment, or financial records. Monitoring Sites: Will be selected using the “Perkins Risk Assessment Rubric” at the end of the FY17 school year. Documentation Needed: Perkins Monitoring Doc, Budget Sheet, & associated documentation Electronic copies of PO, receipts, substitutes, PD, conferences, travel Progress Reports, Final Report, Final/Revised Application
Perkins Monitoring New Selection Process – Rubric based on Application, Progress Reports, Final Reports, Student Data, Pathways, Careers, Workforce, Equipment, & Deadlines rather than simple rotation method. Sample is available online at KSDE Perkins web page
Perkins Related Activities General Reminders: Advisory committee meetings (2 per year) Business & Industry involvement Submit for FY18 budget changes via email June 30th, 2018 is last day to spend FY18 Perkins funds (Use it or Lose it) Drawdown requests can be submitted on July 1st for the July 15th drawdown. (Paid at end of month) Wish list for unspent funds – short list to spend $200, $500, $1,000…. Etc.
Perkins 5 News? Perkins V has support from all sides, but action has slowed in past few months. New bipartisan draft could come out at any time. Less regulatory actions and more corrective focused. Possible lessening of non-traditional importance. Emphasis on partnerships with B&I, PS, non-CTE teachers, & community. Emphasis on stackable classes, certifications, and industry skill sets. Emphasis on data, outcomes, and accomplishments.
FY18 Application Review Only FY18 year equipment & supplies Digital signatures accepted Signatures can be kept locally if signed Electronic only forms/applications Distribute electronically to reviewer teams prior to review workshop Review Rubric is on KSDE Perkins web site JUNE: Team Review of applications June 7th Salina – Smoky Hill Ed Service Center Review returned electronically to districts day of review Digital re-submission for approval to KSDE
Questions Martin Kollman – mkollman@ksde.org Peggy Torrens – ptorrens@ksde.org