Hot summer of touch! $12,000 prizemoney
$20 per tent (payable at registration tent on Saturday) Hot summer of touch! KNOCKOUT RULES A Round Robin competition for all teams on Saturday (3 games) with a Knockout competition on Sunday. The competition will be six-a-side. Each game will be 25 minutes duration. Change ends after each touchdown. The first touchdown in each match on both days except for the Grand Final on Sunday is worth 3 points; the second touchdown and each subsequent touchdown are worth 2 points. Touchdowns in the Grand Final are worth 1 point. Draws on Sunday will be decided by the drop off system Mixed teams must have the minimum of 3 female players on the field. A player can’t play for more then one team in a division e.g. Men’s division. All teams to be at the ground 5 minutes before the game is due to commence. A points system will operate on Saturday with 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw ; 1 point for a loss and 0 points for a forfeit. Any player sent off for the remainder of the game will receive an automatic one game suspension on either day unless the YTA’s Judiciary believes otherwise. Each team will plays at least 3 games on Saturday and at least one game on Sunday. There will be no reperchage competition for first round losers on Sunday. Players in each team must wear the same playing shirt with a number on the back or on both sleeves . Players can’t swap playing shirts. All players must wear approved touch shoes while playing. Each team to supply own touch ball. All decisions by the YTA’s Carnival Disputes Committee are final. Each team is required to nominate a qualified non-playing referee to participate in the Knockout – Playing Referees will NOT be allowed. TENT HIRE : Phone Yass Valley Hire (02) 6226 1199 ACCOMMODATION LOCATION PHONE Australian Hotel Motel 02 6226 1744 Royal Hotel 02 6226 3777 Club House Hotel 02 6226 1042 Hamilton Hume Motor Inn 02 6226 1722 Yass Motel 02 6226 1055 Sundowner Motor Inn 02 6226 3188 Colonial Lodge Motor Inn 02 6226 2211 Thunderbird Motel 02 6226 1158 Hi-Way Motor Inn 02 6226 1300 Yass Caravan Park 02 6226 1173 Hume Park Tourist Resort 02 6227 1235 Good Hope Tourist Resort 02 6227 1234 Murrumbateman Country Inn-Motel 02 6227 5802 Binalong Hotel – Motel 02 6227 4246 Royal Tara Binalong 02 6227 4389 Gunning Motel 02 4845 1191 Telegraph Hotel Gunning 02 4843 1217 TEAMS CAN CAMP IN TENTS AT THE VENUE: $20 per tent (payable at registration tent on Saturday)
Hot summer of touch! NOMINATIONS – ONLINE OR BY FORM You can now nominate and pay online at or fill out the form below: A nomination fee of $260 must be paid online or attached to this Form. DIVISION: Men's Women's Mixed TEAM NAME: TEAM CONTACT: ADDRESS: POST CODE: PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: Club Side Representative Team REFEREE’S NAME: LEVEL : PHONE: **If the referees details are incomplete when team nomination form is lodged , the team nomination won’t be accepted. SHIRT SIZE: SMALL / MED / LARGE / XL / XXL TEAM MEMBERS NAMES (Maximum 14 Players) 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 (Enclosed is a cheque/money order for $260) Nominations Close 11 January 2013 PLEASE SEND NOMINATIONS TO: YASS VALLEY TOUCH KNOCKOUT, PO BOX 313, YASS NSW 2582 NOMINATED REFEREES Each team will be required to nominate a qualified non-playing referee to participate in the Knockout. Playing Referees will NOT be allowed. You are asked to nominate the referee and the level of qualification when submitting the nomination form and indicate the referee’s shirt size as the Association will be giving each referee a souvenir shirt for refereeing at the Knockout. If the referee details are not completed when team nomination form is lodged, the team nomination won’t be accepted. The referee nominated will have to register at the Registration area on the first day of the Knockout prior to the team playing their first game. Teams will not be allowed to play until Their non-playing qualified referee has been registered. TEAMS MUST REGISTER their TEAM and REFREE at the OFFICIAL TABLE at least 30 minutes BEFORE THEIR FIRST GAME. ACCOMMODATION GET IN QUICK: BOOK YOUR ACCOMMODATION NOW!!! REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS All Open Representative Teams will be graded in A Grade. No exceptions.
Hot summer of touch! MORE INFORMATION CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATIONS: Greg Smith – Yass Touch Association B: (02) 6226 1777 M: (0404) 909 160 A: (02) 6226 5566 (ah) F: (02) 6226 2627 Karley Banks - NSWTA B: (02) 9558 9333 Bob Monkley H: (02) 6226 1721 MORE INFORMATION Hot summer CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATIONS: 11 JANUARY 2013 of touch! ASSOCIATE SPONSORS: Australian Hotel-Motel – Boorowa Community Bank - Café Dolcetto – Darrel Crane Courier – Dairy Farmers Davis Faulkner & Co Solicitors – Firth Furnishings - Hamilton Hume Motor Inn - Hi-Way Motor Inn Northside Takeaway – Royal Hotel – Yass Earth Movers - Yass Golf Club – Yass Motel - Yass Valley Hire