“Song Title” Artist Name
Simile and/or Metaphor Simile and/or Metaphor Example The meaning of this Simile and/or Metaphor is:
Other Descriptive/Figurative Language Play on Words, Personification, Hyperbole or Strong Image Example from Song It’s an example of (POW, P, H, SI) This is effective for me because ____________
Playing with Sounds Rhymes and Near Rhyme Rhyme Example Near Rhyme Example
Playing with Sounds Alliteration and Assonance Alliteration Example: Assonance Example: The effect that these sound repetitions have in the song are:
Point of View Which Type? First person(I), Second Person (You), Third Person (He/She/They) Example from song that shows this:
Audience (Who is Singer Singing to?) Singer is singing to… Evidence from story Impact on the song
What Is the Story/Message/Main Idea of the Song? Line(s) from Song that Shows This Is:
What Is the Mood/Feeling of the Song The mood/feeling of the Song is _________ Example of words that show this is ______
Music/Instruments Instruments used are: Tempo/Speed is (fast slow, mixed): Types of Voices used are The music adds/does not add to the mood/story of the song because ____________
Why I Chose This Song
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