Famous stars
Ani Lorak Ani Lorak was born in the small town of Kitsman, Chernovitska oblast, Ukraine. Her father graduated from Music College with diploma of choir conductor and from Philological Faculty of the University of Chernovtsy. Her mother completed studies in the Institute of Culture and worked as a director of the radio station. Karolina developed the desire to become a singer as early as at the age of four. At that time she had already decided what she wanted to achieve in life. Karolina often performed at various school vocal competitions. Ani Lorak has been repeatedly recognized as the Singer of the Year in Ukraine. Her credits include ten albums, one single, biographical film, and 24 video clips. Lorak represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2008 in Belgrade.
Alyosha Alone Kucher to give birth on 14 may 1986 in the city Zaporozhe in the family police, workman a GAI of Alexander Kucher and Lyudmila Kucher, worker on aviation aircraft factory, near by Alone will be two senior brothers. In the school s it sang in the chorus and occupied in young musical studios. After school Alone has terminated faculty variety vocal in the Kiev national university of culture and arts. Alyosha represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest.Alyosha represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Olecsandr Ponomarov Birth on 9 August 1973 year city Chmelnyzk Debut on the competition Hearts Рута 1993 Singer year 1996 -2004 National Actor Ukraine 2006 1988 р. - received beside music college. 1993 р. - debut on Всеукраїнському contestі young doer Hearts Рута ,have a tickling sensation in one's throat price. 1999 р. -sentence title Singer year. 2000 р. – appearance third album .For the first time in history Ukrainian football, before the match Ukraine-Poland, first among Ukrainian singer doer National anthem Ukraine. 2003 р. – present its song « Hosta la Vista» on Eurovision , loan 14 place. 2005 р. - receive reward from chit- a parade gild fervor - a bird for song Heart. Having become television culinary show Tasty country on the channel 1+1. Marriage.Wife Victoria.
Tina Karol Tina Karol (25 January 1985) is a Ukrainian singer. Karol represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006.Contents Karol graduated from a music school, and later from the Music College in Kiev, where she studied pop vocal in the Faculty of Singing. Karol has participated in numerous youth, regional, international and Jewish singing contests as well as musicals and theatrical shows. Karol became the soloist of the Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as well as a television personality. On 16 January 2009, Viktor Yushchenko awarded Karol the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Since September 2009 Karol actively supported the candidature of Yulia Tymoshenko for the Ukrainian presidential election, 2010.In October 2009 she was ranked 92 in a top 100 of "most influential women in Ukraine" compiled by experts for the Ukrainian magazine Focus.
Vitaliy Koslovskuy Vitaliy Koslovskuy(6 march 1985,Lviv, Ukraine) - an Ukrainian singer, Well-earned actor of Ukraine. Given birth on 6 march 1985 in Lvovi in the family electrician, its father often went in business trips, and accountant Tatyna Kslovskuy, which, when Vitaliy was 14 years, has left on the earnings in the Italy, be beside Vitaliy and Elaina senior sister. With 1991 on 2002 was taught in Lvivskiy to the secondary school № 69. With 1993 Vitaliy concerns with dances. With 2002 modern-ballet "Life", which participant was Vitaliy Koslovskuy, co-operated an with the singer. In 2002 an Vitaliy has entered in Lvivskiy national university of name of Ivan Franca on faculty journalisms. In the October 2002 has won in the telecast “Karaoke on square" in Lvovi. Then it has performed a canto "Halitosis" It lovskiy group "Weeping Eremee"Won in the first season musical teleproject "Chance" in 2003 , from cantos “Shakespeare". Participated in the contest "New wave" in 2004. For the first time on Ukraine was created first official hymn Ukrainian Olympic assembly under name "Champions", which has performed Vitaliy Koslovskuy. 18 march 2010 took part in national selection of participants of contest Eurovision in 2010.
Natalia Mohylevska Natalia Mohylevska be born on 2 August 1975 year in Kyiv.Beside 1995 Natalia Mohylevska begins solo carary. On “Red ruta" in Sevastopol Mohylevska gets diploma, but for mounth gets have a tickling sensation in one's throat post on “Slavonic a market".For results ballot expert on fixed laureate Prise“Gild Firebird" in face value Song among third precedent woke just two song Mohylevska- “Mounth" that "Only I". “Mounth" woke admit best song fate in Ukraine, but itself Natalia Mohylevska – better singer.