Hearing your child read - support sessions for parents who have children in Y1-4 Also for older brothers and sisters!
Why hear your child read at home? What do good readers do? Par Hear Read Sess 1
Why read with your child at home? Children who read regularly to someone at home learn to read quicker than children who only read at school Many researchers think that young children need to read 600-1000 words a week to become fluent readers. That’s a lot of practice! Hearing your child read for ten minutes, 3 or 4 times a week will help make your child a good reader Good readers tend to enjoy school more are usually confident and positive with others at home and at school Par Hear Read Sess 1
What do good readers do? Sound out words in different ways: Cat flat hospital c-a-t fl-at hos-pit-al Par Hear Read Sess 1
What do good readers do? 2) Listen to themselves and notice mistakes can Floppy ran fast van Get in the car That doesn’t look right! That doesn’t make sense! Par Hear Read Sess 1
I’d better sort this out! … What do good readers do? 3) Correct their own mistakes The cat sat on the rug… I’d better sort this out! … The cat sat on the mat… that’s better! Par Hear Read Sess 1
I’m going to read it again and sort it out! What do good readers do? 4) Re-read to have another go I’m going to read it again and sort it out! Floppy ran to the playground park Floppy ran to the park Par Hear Read Sess 1
I enjoyed this book! Rabbits need a lot of looking after don’t they? What do good readers do? 5) Understand the book and can talk about the main ideas I enjoyed this book! Rabbits need a lot of looking after don’t they? Par Hear Read Sess 1
there was a lonely house What do good readers do? 6) Read in phrases so it sounds like talking Once upon a time, there was a lonely house in a dark, dark forest Par Hear Read Sess 1
What do good readers do? Sound out words in different ways Listen to themselves and notice mistakes Correct their own mistakes Re-read to have another go Understand the book and can talk about the main ideas Read in phrases so it sounds like talking Par Hear Read Sess 1
What do good readers do? Sound out words in different ways Listen to themselves and notice mistakes Correct their own mistakes Re-read to have another go Understand the book and can talk about the main ideas Read in phrases so it sounds like talking Par Hear Read Sess 1
Activity Your child will be coming in to read with you.…try to spot the good things he/she is doing! How many of the 6 things can you spot?! Par Hear Read Sess 1