Political Terms You Must Know Before Reading UP Election News
The recent Legislative Assembly Elections are all over the news whenever you switch on the television or read the newspaper. However, for a layman, some of the electoral terminology would be difficult to understand. To save you from getting tangled in all these jargons, we suggest you read this post before going on to read UP Election News Online.
Tactical Voting It is a situation wherein a voter does not vote for the candidate he sincerely supports but for a different candidate or party in order to prevent an undesirable outcome. He may either vote a candidate higher (which will be known as a compromise) or lower (which is known as burying). Tactical voting definitely impacts the results of an election, though there are rules relating to the extent of it. Generally, it is done to rule out a more disliked rival.
Bipartisanship This is the situation in which opposing political parties find a common ground and compromise for a cooperative effort. It happens when, despite mutual hatred, the parties need each other for survival. You might find this word when reading the latest news of UP as Samajwadi Party and Congress also got into an alliance for this election.
Hung Parliament If no party wins an overall majority after the elections, it is said that the parliament is hung. Under the circumstances, usually, the main party forms a coalition with other minor parties and no single political party has absolute majority of seats in the parliament.
Exit Poll Exit poll is a rather common term. It refers to the opinion of people who have immediately exited the polling station. It is taken to predict the outcome of the elections before the results are formally announced.
Silent Majority Silent majority refers to the mass of people whose opinions are not loud and public, but when combined their opinion has enormous power to bring a party down. These terms will be very helpful in understanding the news about ongoing elections. If you are reading the latest news of UP in Hindi, you should come back for our blog about the Hindi terminology used during elections.
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