Electric Effect Diabetic Foot Canada Prototype User Guide ELECTRIC EFFECT S o f t w a r e IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities Electric Effect Diabetic Foot Canada Prototype User Guide
SmartHUB Displays HUB Portals, private and public on the main landing screen Click on a HUB Portal to visit the portal Main landing screen also displays Latest News, Latest Comments, ads, poll, and Twitter and Facebook feed Access to Private Portals is restricted by Admin approval You can use the nav drop down to move between HUB Portals Click on the HUB Portal button to visit the Public Portal Click on the HUB Portal button to visit the Private Portal Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Public Portal Home Page Main Display Window content tabs: SmartSite Articles, Recent Articles, Popular Articles, and latest Comments Click on a HUB Portal link in the top nav to visit other HUB Portals Click on the Read More button to review the full article displayed on the home page article window Content within a Public Portal can be shared You can use the nav drop down to move between HUB Portals Click on the content tabs to see the content in the main display window Click on the Read More button to read the full article Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Private Portal Home Page Private Portals have all the same features as a public portal, except they have restricted user access controlled by Admin A “Private” notice is displayed at the top of all Private Portals Click on the Read More button to review the full article displayed on the home page article window Content within a Private Portal cannot be shared A “Private” notice displays at the top of the content window in the browser Click on the Read More button to read the full article Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Communities Users have access to Communities within a main HUB Portal Communities are single page news feeds related to a particular topic When a user joins a Community, they receive alerts whenever there is new content available You can use the nav drop down to move between Portal Communities Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Community Home Page Users can join a Community and add it to their home page for quick access Users can access all the Communities from the main nav drop down menu Drop down navigation for quick access to Communities Click to join a Community Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
SmartSite SmartSite is designed to quickly display relevant content to peer users based on their preferences and adaptive models SmartSite can be turned off, if the user prefers to only see portal content The SmartSite window also displays on the user home page SmartSite gathers precise user analytics to help improve targeted content display SmartSite displays content based on the registered users preferences and adaptive models Click on the Read More button to read the full SmartSite article Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
SmartSite SmartSite adaptive models monitor user interaction and adjust content displayed to the user The SmartSite adaptive filter window allows the user to modify the content display The user can also get auto alerts sent to them when there is new content available in the SmartSite window SmartSite is only available to registered portal members SmartSite adaptive filter editor allows the user to control the content display Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Analyze The Analyze pop-up window is displayed for all content within a HUB portal Analyze collects and displays article metrics to allow the user to determine if the article is relevant Some of the analytics, such as Comments, Similar, Author, and InfoClouds, allows the user to click and see additional related content The Analyze window allows the user to review the analytics of all content Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Category Content The top navigation “DFC Links” allows the user to access all the main portal categories to view top level content The category taxonomy is dynamically created by Admin and Editors in the CMS dashboard can be modified at any time Clicking on a category will open the content category window Click on any category link to access community content sections Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Category Content Window and Sub-Categories The Category window displays all the content The Sub-Category drop down allows the user to access all the sections within a main category to view all content The Sub-Category taxonomy is dynamically created by Admin and Editors in the CMS dashboard and can be modified at any time The Analyze pop-up window is available for all content within a category Click on the Sub-Category link to access additional content Click on the Read More button to read the full article Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Article View The article view displays the full content of the article Tools and services are also available to allow the user to comment, share, report and collect content to their home page for future reference A “Back” button is also available to allow the user to quickly navigate back to the main category to select another article Click on the “Back to Category” button to return to the main category view Registered user have access to a range of tools and services Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Article View At the bottom of each article the user can join in on the conversation The forum tools include responding, notifications, voting, and reporting Admin can edit and delete all comments Tools and services are also available to allow the user to rate and share content Users have access to a range of tools and services to rate and share content Registered user have access to a range of forum tools and services Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Search Result Users can access the search tool to find relevant content Search results include articles and InfoCloud content clusters A search result filter allows users to sort content by author, date, and name The search result also has dynamic filtering, Google Angular JS technology, which allows the user to review results instantly as they type in letters Search window Search Results Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
InfoCloud Editors can build new InfoClouds from a search result by clicking on the “New” InfoCloud icon and then adding content by clicking on the “Add” button in each article Once the InfoCloud is built, the peer cluster of content is added to the search results for other users to access InfoCloud window Build an InfoCloud Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
InfoCloud InfoCloud allows peer editors to cluster evidence based content into convenient folders for users to review, collect and share This speeds up the search process for users, as they now have access to a vetted content clusters in a dynamic window The InfoClouds can be saved to a registered members home page for quick future reference InfoCloud window Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
InfoCloud To open the InfoCloud articles for preview, the user clicks on the lower Article bar InfoClouds also include metrics, which can be viewed by opening the Analyze link InfoCloud analytics InfoCloud article bar Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
InfoCloud Editor Editors can modify the InfoCloud by clicking on the Edit button Articles can be added or deleted to the InfoCloud in the pop-up edit window InfoCloud Editor window InfoCloud Edit button Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities
Responsive UI The new EE-Collaborate User Interface is compliant with responsive web and can be easily viewed on desktops, Pads and mobile devices All popular browsers will display the screen elements, including, SmartHUB, SmartSite, InfoCloud, Analyze, and the navigation in a compliant format Electric Effect: IGNITING Social & Collaborative Communities