Test Administrator Training (Required for DTCs, STCs, and TAs)
Big Picture Objectives Test Administrators Big Picture Objectives Understand the roles and responsibilities of test administrators Understand how to use valid test administration practices Be aware of what’s new this year in the statewide assessment system Learn where to find test administration resources and tools
Training Overview Training will cover the following topics: Test Administrators Training Overview Training will cover the following topics: Test Administrator Training Accessibility Supports Test Security Smarter Balanced Administration* OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Administration* ELPA Administration* *Only required for TAs administering this assessment Each training module is designed to take between 5 – 15 minutes to present. “Dos, Don’ts, and Promising Practices” slides provide practical examples of how to successfully implement testing policies and rules. TAs administering Smarter Balanced or OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences through the Braille Interface, the Kindergarten Assessment, or the Extended Assessment will also need to receive special training from ODE specific to that assessment.
TA Roles and Responsibilities Test Administrators TA Roles and Responsibilities Before testing: Provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the test format and procedures Review student IEPs or education plans to identify appropriate test formats and accessibility supports Make arrangements for students who are not testing Review Test Administration Manual (TAM), Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM), and training notes During testing: Ensure that students receive the appropriate test (includes settings such as language and print size) Enforce test environment requirements -Practice tests are available online to familiarize students with the test format and available tools. Student directions are included in Sections 6 – 11 of the Test Administration Manual (TAM) to walk students through the process of testing. -The Best Practices Guide contains guidance to help with providing for students who are not testing -Identify ahead of time any students who are supposed to take a particular test format (e.g., English-Spanish side-by-side, Braille, or Extended) or receive specific accessibility options (e.g., magnification, read-aloud)
Test Environment Requirements Test Administrators Test Environment Requirements Supervision at all times by a trained TA Quiet environment void of distractions Only accessibility supports listed in OAM made available to students Limited interaction with students Read student directions Administer accessibility supports appropriately No coaching --Test environment requirements are described in Section 2 of the TAM. Specific requirements tied to maintaining security will be discussed in greater detail in Module 5: Test Security. --Approved accessibility supports are listed by content area in the Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM).
OAKS System Components Test Administrators OAKS System Components Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Student demographic information collected Student test settings entered Test Delivery System (TDS): TA Interface Test sessions created Students approved to test _______________ Student Interface Students log into tests Students take tests Online Reporting System (ORS) Test results reported Item Tracking System (ITS) Test questions created reviewed, and edited Questions assembled into tests [Extended Assessment TAs may skip this slide through slide 18.] Here’s an overview of Oregon’s online testing system—OAKS. The major online assessment components will continue with key improvements, some resulting from lessons learned during the Smarter Balanced Field Test.
Overview of Test Delivery System Test Administrators Overview of Test Delivery System TA Interface Administer online tests, track progress, and manage students testing in your session Adjust test settings for individual students before they are approved to start the test Approve and submit print requests from students Student Interface Secure online test that must be accessed via a secure browser General Education Student Interface Braille Interface --The TA Interface is used by TAs to create/manage test sessions, change student settings, administer tests, and process print requests. --The Student Interface is used by students to access the secure online tests (Smarter Balanced, OAKS Online, and ELPA). The student interface must be accessed through the current-year secure browser posted to the OAKS Portal. --The next few slides will walk through some of the new features you will see this year in the OAKS Portal, TA Interface, and Student Interface.
New in the OAKS Portal Test Administrators New OAKS Portal URL: oaksportal.org New look and feel: Organization remains the same Register to receive alerts when announcements or resources are posted on the portal
New in the OAKS Portal (cont’d) Test Administrators New in the OAKS Portal (cont’d) New Organization of Resources & Resources Search Feature:
Test Administrators New in the TA Interface Session IDs: New three-part naming convention (not based on TA’s name) Easier to get back into sessions that were unintentionally closed or paused. Buttons added to message TA sees if the TA tries to start a new session and already has an active session: Rejoin session Close session
TA Interface at A Glance Test Administrators TA Interface at A Glance Used to create and manage test sessions and approve students All information is visible on one screen Tests in session Students needing approval to start testing Students with tests in progress Print requests -The OAKS Online TA User Guide includes detailed screenshots and instructions for using the TA interface to create and manage test sessions. The training site available through the OAKS Portal allows TAs to practice setting up practice test sessions and can be used to administer the practice test to students -The following slides will walk you through the steps of creating sessions, approving students, and monitoring student progress through the TA Interface.
TA Interface (cont’d) Test Administrators Create and Manage Test Sessions List of available tests automatically displays upon logging in and remains on screen while monitoring students Select the tests for inclusion in the session and click [Start Session] System generates a Session ID that students will use to log in Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout Sessions cannot be resumed Students may resume a paused test in any new test session that includes the applicable test subject and grade Example: TA creates a test session for students on Tuesday. To resume testing on Wednesday, the TA will create another test session for students to resume testing -Creating sessions is simple. As soon as TAs log in they are presented with a list of tests. All they need to do is select the tests to be included in the session and click Start Session. Please remember multiple grade level tests can be administered at the same time. -The system will then generate a Session ID that students will use to log into the test session.
TA Interface (cont’d) Test Administrators Student Test Settings and Approvals Approvals Preview (right) allows TAs to see students that need to be approved while monitoring test progress The complete list of students awaiting approval will display on a pop-up screen -As students log in, they will appear in the top right corner of the TA interface. This list will automatically update as students log in, or the TA can manually refresh the list by clicking the “Refresh” button. -To review and approve students to start testing, click on “Approvals.” This will bring up a pop-up screen that displays all students waiting for approval. The system will allow the TA to approve all students. However, to avoid accidentally giving students the wrong test (an impropriety), it is strongly recommended that TAs review individual student names and test settings before approving students to test. -To review student test settings for a student, click on the “See / Edit Details” button for that student.
and Approvals (cont’d) Test Administrators TA Interface (cont’d) Student Test Settings and Approvals (cont’d) Clicking the “See / Edit Details” button will bring up the list of all test settings in place for that student. Editable test settings include language, print size, color choice, and computer-based read-aloud. From this screen, the TA can also see but cannot update the Print on Request restricted resource settings for a student. This setting can only be updated in TIDE by a DTC (DSA or DTSA role in TIDE).
Student Log-in Test Administrators Student Login 1 Student Log-in Student Login Log in using First Name, SSID, Session ID Confirm identity – “Is This You?” screen First Name (same as in SSID upload), Enrolled Grade, DOB, School, SSID Select Test Student will see available tests by subject TA Approval required to start test Confirm test -- “Is this your test?” screen 2 3 4 -To avoid a test impropriety, it is essential that you verify that students log in using the correct SSID. 5
Smarter Balanced Student Interface Test Administrators Smarter Balanced Student Interface This the Smarter Balanced student interface. The calculator is only available on Smarter math tests at grades 6 and higher.
OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences Student Interface Test Administrators OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences Student Interface Click to open periodic table Pause test button. Toggle between test pages. End test button. Click to open calculator Zoom in/out buttons (to adjust text size). Click to view list of item pages. Pages with marked items will be indicated. Select item/item page to navigate. This is the screen shot of the OAKS student interface for a grade 8 science test item. Some of the buttons are only available on science tests (periodic table) or technology-enhanced items (save). Save button appears on technology enhanced items Click for item type tutorial. Click to view student help Click to select a comment about the item. Click to adjust the volume. Click to mark item for review.
ELPA Student Interface Test Administrators ELPA Student Interface Toggle between test pages. Pause test button. Zoom in/out buttons (to adjust text size). Click to view list of item pages. Pages with marked items will be indicated. Select item/item page to navigate. Click to view student help Click to mark item for review. Click to select a comment about the item. Click to have listening item played, or if playing, pause the audio. Click for item type tutorial. Click to have answer option played. Click to have instructions read aloud Click to adjust the volume
Test Administrators Do’s… TAs must read the Test Administration Manual and the Oregon Accessibility Manual, receive annual test administration and security training, and sign an Assurance of Test Security form before administering state tests. If you’re administering Smarter Balanced or OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences through the Braille Interface, you must also receive ODE- provided Braille Interface training If you’re administering the Extended Assessment, you must also receive ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training -TAs administering Smarter Balanced or OAKS Online through the Braille Interface or OAKS Extended must receive additional training beyond test admin/security training.
Test Administrators Do’s (cont’d)… Use the practice tests to familiarize students with the student interface, item types, and available accessibility supports. Read verbatim the student directions provided in the Test Administration Manual. Provide students with only those accessibility supports listed by content area in the Oregon Accessibility Manual that are appropriate for the individual student. --Student directions are in Sections 6 – 11 of the TAM. ODE has provided paraphrased student log-in directions that TAs may read to students after students are familiar with the log-in process. These directions must still be read verbatim as provided in the TAM. When using the paraphrased directions, TAs should remain attentive to the needs of individual students who are new to OAKS Online or who may continue to benefit from having the full log-in directions read to them at the start of each testing event. --Accessibility supports are listed by content area in the OAM. Practice tests for all online tests (Smarter Balanced, OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences, and ELPA) are available through the OAKS Portal.
Test Administrators …and Don’ts Do not allow untrained aides, interpreters, volunteers, or substitutes to assist with test administration. Do not coach students (including requiring students to show their work). Do not allow students to access resources such as textbooks, class notes, or cell phones during testing. Do not allow students to talk to or help other students during testing. -These “don’ts” are considered testing improprieties and may result in test invalidations. Section 2: Test Security and Section 3: Test Improprieties and Irregularities of the TAM provide additional guidance on the requirements of a secure test environment and additional examples of both adult- and student-initiated testing improprieties. Test Security requirements will also be discussed in greater detail in Module 4: Test Security.
Promising Practices Test Administrators TA reviews the TAM and OAM before testing, focusing on test security and content-specific accessibility options. TA seeks clarification from STC on any rules that are unclear before administering tests TA spaces students appropriately or provides visual barriers to prevent students from seeing others’ tests. TA reads student directions verbatim and circulates through test environment to ensure proper testing conditions. -Even seasoned TAs should review as there may be changes from year to year -Asking questions in advance is always better than using a practice that turns out to be an impropriety, resulting in the invalidation of tests
Test Administration Resources Test Administrators Test Administration Resources Test Administration Manual http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Oregon Accessibility Manual http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=487 Best Practices Guide http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Promising Testing Practices http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444 Test Administration Manual contains test security and administration requirements for Smarter Balanced, OAKS Online, ELPA, Kindergarten, and Extended assessments, as well as for the Grade 12 OAKS retest opportunity for the Essential Skills. The Oregon Accessibility Manual contains tables of available accessibility supports for each assessment, as well as guidance on selecting and administering accessibility supports. Best Practices Guide contains guidance on appropriate testing practices such as when to test Promising Practices webpage contains tips on implementing various test administration and security requirements
In a Nutshell TAs must receive training each year Test Administrators In a Nutshell TAs must receive training each year Special training requirements for Braille Interface, Extended, and Kindergarten Assessments TAs enforce valid test environment for students When in doubt about a particular testing practice, before testing begins: Check the TAM and the OAM Check your training notes Ask your School Test Coordinator If all else fails, assume the answer is “no”
Test Administrators Acorns for Storage What 3 things must a test administrator do before administering a state test? What are some examples of assistance to students that are not allowed? What are some methods we can use to reduce test improprieties? -Read the TAM and OAM, receive test administration and security training, and sign an Assurance of Test Security form -Answering questions related to a test question, reminding students to use instructional strategies during testing (e.g., showing work or using Think Aloud), reading the Reading test aloud to a student, providing students with access to non-allowable resources -Get clarification from your STC or DTC on whether particular practices are allowed before testing, review and ensure understanding of how to properly administer accommodations, review test-taking procedures with students before testing begins and ensure sufficient spacing between students