Say the word ATTRACT
ATTRACT If you attract someone, you make that person want to come to you.
ATTRACT A free concert might attract a large group of people.
ATTRACT What are some objects that magnets attract?
Say the word TERRITORY
TERRITORY An animal’s territory is an area of land that it sees as its home.
TERRITORY A dog will protects its territory.
TERRITORY Describe the territory that belongs to our school.
Say the word UNIVERSAL
UNIVERSAL If something is universal, everyone in the world knows or experiences it.
UNIVERSAL There is a universal Braille code for people who are blind.
UNIVERSAL What would it be like if everyone spoke a universal language?
Say the word AUDIBLE
AUDIBLE If you can hear something, it is audible.
AUDIBLE It might be difficult to make your voice audible on a cell phone.
AUDIBLE Tell about a time when it was difficult to make your voice audible.
Say the word VOLUME
VOLUME When you change the volume on a TV or a radio, you change how loud of soft the sound is.
VOLUME A fire alarm has a high volume.
VOLUME What are some machines on which you can change the volume?
Say the word EXPRESSION
EXPRESSION If you use expression when you speak, you use your voice, your face, or your body to add meaning to what you say.
EXPRESSION People can tell I am angry by my facial expression.
EXPRESSION How do your body movements show expression when you are happy about something?
Say the word CREATIVE
CREATIVE If you are creative, you use new or different ideas to make or do something.
Say the word PERFORMANCE
PERFORMANCE When you sing, dance, or act in front of an audience, you are giving a performance.
PERFORMANCE I would rather give a performance for people I know than strangers.
PERFORMANCE If you could choose one type of performance to attend, what would it be?
Say the word CONCENTRATE
CONCENTRATE When you concentrate, you put all of your attention on one thing.
CONCENTRATE You have to concentrate when you take a test.
CONCENTRATE Tell about a time when you had to concentrate.
Say the word RELIEVED
RELIEVED If you are relieved, you feel happy because some kind of worry is gone.
RELIEVED I was relieved when my teacher said the test would not be today.
RELIEVED Tell about a time when you felt relieved because something didn’t happen.