WIP examples 09.05.2018
Agenda WIP Examples 1: Configuration 2: Journal entries - examples 3: Calculation schema 4: Posting costs 07.10.2009
WIP examples Configuration WIP functionality only works with activated Perpetual Inventory. Please see also beashelp http://www.beas-support.com/download/onlinehelp/beas2009help_eng/index.html Material charge-off or receipt of items will result in a journal entry. Issuing material to a workorder or receiving goods from a workorder, the defined WIP Accounts will be used for posting. Resulting costs depend on the valuation method.
WIP examples Configuration Configuration Wizard – Production – Valuation and booking of assembly. Simply press the „Start“ button to set up WIP accounts.
Agenda WIP Examples 1: Configuration 2: Journal entries - examples 3: Calculation schema 4: Posting costs 07.10.2009
WIP examples be.as journal - examples In the be.as journal all postings created by work orders are documented. All material issues, timereceipts, external receipts or assembly receipts result in a new entry in the journal. (open book icon in the work order structure view) The journal entry always refers to the document causing the costs: charge off, a time receipt, or incoming goods
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Goods receipt example : SBO goods receipt document 91 linked to the be.as journal entry document 106
WIP examples be.as journal - examples The SBO goods receipt document 91 leading to the SBO journal entry 839 Which also can be found in the be.as journal entry
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Field description of a be.as journal entry Document: is the unique ID of the be.as journal entry Date: the date of creation Type: in this case : is „W+“ meaning incoming goods – Information text: Goods Receipt User: who created this document Production: Work order number, Work order position depending on the document Journal: the SBO Journal Number Origin Document: the document causing the costs Userfield name depend on the document, see later example.
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Time receipt example A cost element defines the accounts, which can be accessed when creating a time receipt.
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Time receipt example In the timer receipt the used Cost Element „LAB“ is indicated:
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Time receipt example Resulting be.as journal entry document number 944 Type: TR means time receipt – Information text: new Production: WO Number, WO Position Number and Routing Position Journal: the SBO Journal Number Origin Document: Document causing costs: 471 is the internal number of the timerecipt (unique ID in table beas_arbzeit) Other fields like Scrap etc. showing additional information from the time receipt.
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Time receipt example SBO journal entry created by the time receipt Reference to the original document : Work order 95 Position 10 in the SBO journal entry
WIP examples be.as journal - examples External operation example SBO journal entries can also be created by incoming goods from external operation. Again, a cost element is used.
WIP examples be.as journal - examples External operation example Goods receipt 221 from purchase order The beas journal with references Type: EX: external operation – Information text: TR-EXT (timereceipt external operation) Origin Document: Document 221 causing costs = number of the SBO Goods Receipt PO
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Work order structure – Overview on journal entries Below the work order position all journal entries are displayed. In the above examples only the be.as journal header was described. There is more information given, depending on the document.
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Work order structure – Cancellation of postings Each of the postings with costs arising from work orders can also be canceled. This has to considered in the SBO Journal entries. Cancellation documents can be created. Example: external operation with goods receipt and goods return.
WIP examples be.as journal - examples Work order structure – Cancellation of postings be.as journal with the cancellation information: Type: Es : external storno – Information text: TR-EXT-STORNO (storno of external operation) Origin Document: Document causing the costs is SBO Goods Return 7 SBO Goods Return 7
Agenda WIP Examples 1: Configuration 2: Journal entries - examples 3: Calculation schema 4: Posting costs 07.10.2009
WIP examples Calculation schema Example: Goods receipt with valuation method using a calculation schema. Calculation results are reported and the calculted costs are displayed.
WIP examples Calculation schema Example: Goods receipt with valuation method using a calculation schema. Calculation results are reported and the calculted costs are displayed.
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs for an assembly depening on the calculation schema Different accounts for labor costs. Define Cost Elements for machine and personnel, to be selected later in the calculation schema. In the cost element, no accounts are defined!
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs for an assembly depening on the calculation schema Define the calculation schema Create one cost object for machine time – Reference is Cost Element.
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs for an assembly depening on the calculation schema All time receipts created for the assembly will use the costs and accounts defined in the calculation schema. In the beas journal all values are displayed. Cost on the right according to calculation schema
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs for an assembly depening on the calculation schema Goods receipt 91
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs for an assembly depening on the calculation schema beas journal entry document 106 shows the calculation and valuation for the receipt no 91
Agenda WIP Examples 1: Configuration 2: Journal entries - examples 3: Calculation schema 4: Posting costs 07.10.2009
Posting costs Posting procedure Inventory account (for components) Issue for production WIP-Account 42,94 42,94 Inventory account (for finished goods) Receipt from production WIP-Account 100 100 The WIA variance account is a P & L account. With period closing it is set to "0". Cumulated values are transferred to the period-end closing account which is part of the balance sheet. WIP-Difference Account Completion of work order WIP-Account 57,06 57,06 09.05.2018
Posting costs Pricing and valuation of manufacturing parts Continuous stock valuation Manual Stock valuation Which valuation method? Standard costs Moving average FIFO Possible methods of valuation Price list Standard costs Moving average GLD (beas) Price list Price list Preisliste Calculation price Possible pricing for receipt of semi and finished parts Calculation price Calculation price Poduction Planned costs Poduction Planned costs Poduction Planned costs Poduction Actual costs Poduction Actual costs Poduction Actual costs 09.05.2018
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs at work order time receipt Using Cost Elements with account settings.
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs at work order time receipt Choose cost element in resource master data
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs at work order time receipt Time receipt is created:
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs at work order time receipt Result in journal entry: Summary of journal entries
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs at work order time receipt Completing the work order, the WIP Difference is calculated.
WIP examples Calculation schema Posting costs at work order time receipt Balance sheet shows the journal entries:
Thanks for your attention! 09.05.2018