Dominick J. Angiolillo, MD, PhD Bridging Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients Undergoing Cardiac and Noncardiac Surgery Dominick J. Angiolillo, MD, PhD University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville Director of Cardiovascular Research Associate Professor of Medicine
Bridging Antithrombotic Therapy Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98
Early Surgery After Stent Placement 126,773 Stent Procedures Followed By 25,977 (20.5%) Noncardiac Operations Within 24 Months From 2000 To 2010 Early Surgery defined as surgical procedures occurring within 6 weeks in patients treated with BMSs or within 12 months in those treated with DESs Major surgical procedures more likely to occur within 12 months of stent placement in comparison with 12 to 24 months Hawn MT et al. J Am Coll Surg. 2012;214:658-66
Facts On Surgery in ACS/PCI Patients At the time of surgery, ACS/PCI patients are typically under treatment with aspirin with a P2Y12 receptor antagonist (i.e. mostly clopidogrel, or prasugrel/ticagrelor in case of ACS). Surgery is one of the leading cause of early and late antiplatelet discontinuation after PCI. Antiplatelet therapy increases the risk of bleeding for certain types of surgery. Antiplatelet therapy discontinuation is a known predictor of stent thrombosis and exposes to a early higher risk of recurrent ischemic events.
Increased Thrombotic Risk In Stented Patients Undergoing Surgery Do You Believe In The Rebound Phenomenon? No: This hypothesis was not supported by at least two specifically designed randomized pharmacodynamic studies. “Withdrawal of protection” is a better explanation for the observed clustering of thrombotic events after discontinuation. 1. PACT Study (Randomized, double-blind, cross-over PD study – 15 healthy subjects) Conclusions: “[…] discontinuation of clopidogrel does not result in “rebound” platelet hyperreactivity, as determined by multiple time points, assays, agonists, and agonist concentrations.” 2. Sibbing et al. (Randomized, double-blind, cross-over PD study – 69 subjects with CAD and prior stent implantation) Conclusions: “The course of platelet aggregation values after clopidogrel cessation provides no evidence for the existence of a rebound phenomenon of platelets.” Frelinger AL 3rd et al. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2010;3:442-9 Sibbing D, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;55:558-65
Prothrombotic state with incompletely endothelialized stent(s) Pathogenesis Of Stent Thrombosis, Myocardial Infarction And Death In Stented Patients Undergoing Surgery Withdrawal of protection Significantly increased inflammatory prothrombotic state Significantly increased platelet adhesion and aggregation Excessive thromboxane A2 activity Surgical intervention with increased prothrombotic and inflammatory state increased cytokines, neuroendocrine inflammatory mediator release increased platelet adhesiveness and persistently high platelet counts increased release of procoagulant factors decreased or impaired fibrinolysis Prothrombotic state with incompletely endothelialized stent(s)
2 3 1 Surgery and Ischemia Surgery and Bleeding Bridging Therapy Antithrombotic Therapy In ACS/PCI Patients Undergoing Cardiac And Noncardiac Surgery Surgery and Ischemia Is it surgery specific? Time-dependent? Lowered by DAPT? Surgery and Bleeding Is it surgery specific? Time-dependent? Increased by DAPT? Bridging Therapy What is the optimal management of DAPT in the perioperative period? 1 2 3
2 3 1 Surgery and Ischemia Surgery and Bleeding Bridging Therapy Antithrombotic Therapy In ACS/PCI Patients Undergoing Cardiac And Noncardiac Surgery Surgery and Ischemia Is it surgery specific? Time-dependent? Lowered by DAPT? Surgery and Bleeding Is it surgery specific? Time-dependent? Increased by DAPT? Bridging Therapy What is the optimal management of DAPT in the perioperative period? 1 2 3
Poldermans D, et al. Eur Heart J. 2009;30:2769-812 2009 Guidelines For Pre-operative Cardiac Risk Assessment And Perioperative Cardiac Management In Non-cardiac Surgery Timing of non-cardiac surgery in cardiac-stable/asymptomatic patients with prior revascularization It is recommended that non-cardiac surgery be performed in patients with recent BMS implantation after a minimum 6 weeks and optimally 3 months following the intervention I B It is recommended that non-cardiac surgery be performed in patients with recent DES implantation no sooner than 12 months following the intervention. Consideration should be given to postponing non-cardiac surgery in patients with recent balloon angioplasty until at least 2 weeks following the intervention IIa Poldermans D, et al. Eur Heart J. 2009;30:2769-812
Cardiac Risk Varies With Surgery Low risk <1%* Intermediate risk 1-5%* High risk >5%* Breast Dental Endocrine Eye Gynaecology Reconstructive Orthopaedic – minor (knee surgery) Urologic - minor Abdominal Carotid Peripheral arterial angioplasty Endovascular aneurysm repair Head and neck surgery Neurological / orthopaedic – major (hip and spine surgery) Pulmonary, renal / liver transplant Urologic - major Aortic and major vascular surgery Peripheral vascular surgery *Risk of MI and cardiac death within 30 days after surgery Poldermans D, et al. Eur Heart J. 2009;30:2769-812
Mehran R et al. Lancet. 2013;382:1714-22 Different Modalities Of DAPT Cessation And Cardiovascular Risk After PCI – The PARIS Study Prospective observational study of patients undergoing PCI with stent implantation in 15 clinical sites in the USA and Europe between July 1, 2009, and Dec 2, 2010 (N=5,031). Categorized by modality of DAPT cessation: Discontinuation: patients had discontinued DAPT as per recommendation of their physician who felt the patient no longer needed therapy Interruption: patients had interrupted DAPT use on a voluntary basis and as guided by a physician due to (e.g.) surgery. DAPT was then reinstituted within 14 days Disruption: patients had disrupted DAPT use due to bleeding or non- compliance. Mehran R et al. Lancet. 2013;382:1714-22
PARIS: DAPT Cessation and 2-Year Outcomes CV Death, Def/Prob ST, Spontaneous MI HR (95% CI) P Events (n) On-DAPT 1.00 (Ref) 218 Discontinuation 0.76 (0.50, 1.14) 0.181 31 Interruption 1.05 (0.58, 1.92) 0.864 12 Disruption 2.06 (1.49, 2.83) <0.001 54 9.82 (4.57, 21.12) 2.96 (1.21, 7.24) 1.71 (1.20, 2.44) 0-7 Days 8-30 days 31+ days <0.001 0.017 0.003 7 5 42 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 Mehran R et al. Lancet. 2013;382:1714-22
Risk of MACE Following Noncardiac Surgery in Patients With Coronary Stents National, Retrospective Cohort Study Of 41,989 Operations Occurring In The 24 Months After A Coronary Stent Implantation Between 2000 And 2010 Key Findings: Underlying surgical and cardiac risk, rather than stent type, are the primary factors associated with perioperative MACE Event rates stabilize by 6 months DAPT continuation does not substantially mitigate risk Hawn MT et al. JAMA. 2013;310:1462-72
Trials Of DAPT Duration 3 months RESET OPTIMIZE 48 months 6 months OPTIDUAL EXCELLENT ITALIC ISAR SAFE PRODIGY 30 months 12 months DAPT ARCTIC DES-LATE SCORE Completed 24 months Ongoing Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98
Surgery And Ischemia - Summary The risk of thrombotic and ischemic events in the perioperative period depends on three factors Individual risk of thrombosis (clinical, angiographic) Specific risk of surgery (higher with vascular interventions) Time from ACS/PCI to surgery (higher within 6 months) Briefly interrupting DAPT in proximity to surgery is not necessarily a harmful practice, especially if aspirin is continued throughout and the thienopyridine restarted as soon as possible after the procedure. However, whether this concept can automatically be translated to all ACS/PCI patients undergoing surgery remains undefined due to the complex interplay between the variables entered in the risk equation.
2 3 1 Surgery and Ischemia Surgery and Bleeding Bridging Therapy Antithrombotic Therapy In ACS/PCI Patients Undergoing Cardiac And Noncardiac Surgery Surgery and Ischemia Is it surgery specific? Time-dependent? Lowered by DAPT? Surgery and Bleeding Is it surgery specific? Time-dependent? Increased by DAPT? Bridging Therapy What is the optimal management of DAPT in the perioperative period? 1 2 3
Surgeries At High Risk For Bleeding Intracranial Surgery Cardiac device implantation Spinal Surgery Cardiac Surgery Liver surgery Spleen Surgery Bowel resection Kidney Surgery Colonic polyp resection Urologic surgery
Price MJ & Angiolillo DJ. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;59:2338-43 Offset Of The Antiplatelet Effects Of Prasugrel And Clopidogrel – The RECOVERY Study Cumulative Proportion of Subjects Returning to Baselinea aReturn to baseline is defined as the return to within 60 P2Y12 reaction units (PRUs) of baseline PRU value determined prior to thienopyridine therapy bThe day on which the proportion of subjects returning to baseline PRU in the prasugrel group is closest to that attained by the clopidogrel group on Washout Period Day 5 cThe day on which the proportion of subjects returning to baseline PRU in the prasugrel group is closest to that attained by the clopidogrel group on Washout Period Day 7 Price MJ & Angiolillo DJ. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;59:2338-43
Gurbel P, et al. Circulation 2009;120:2577-85 Offset Of The Antiplatelet Effects Of Ticagrelor And Clopidogrel – The ONSET/OFFSET Study Last Maintenance Dose Loading Dose Time (hours) Onset Maintenance Offset 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 IPA % Ticagrelor (n=54) Clopidogrel (n=50) Placebo (n=12) 0 .5 1 2 4 8 24 6 weeks 0 2 4 8 24 48 72 120 168 240 * ‡ † 20 µM ADP- Final Extent Gurbel P, et al. Circulation 2009;120:2577-85
Surgery And Bleeding - Summary Perioperative bleeding may occur as a consequence of the surgical procedure itself, with hazards varying according to the type of intervention, or as a consequence of being on antiplatelet drugs at the time of surgery. In many cases, discriminating between different causes of bleeding (e.g., operative vs drug-induced) is not possible. Guidelines identify a group of surgeries and procedures that appear to be associated with a high risk for bleeding in the context of perioperative anticoagulant and antiplatelet drug use. Cardiac surgery should be regarded as a special category and possibly distinguished from noncardiac surgeries due to incorporation of additional risk factors for bleeding. Despite increasing bleeding, antiplatelet therapy also exerts a protective effect, hence the rationale for bridging.
2 3 1 Bridging Therapy Facts on Ischemia Facts on Bleeding Antithrombotic Therapy In Patients Undergoing Cardiac And Noncardiac Surgery Facts on Ischemia Is there a thrombotic risk in stented/ACS patients undergoing surgery? Facts on Bleeding Is there a bleeding risk with DAPT continuation before surgery? Bridging Therapy What is the optimal management of DAPT in the perioperative period? 1 2 3
Basic Concepts – Don’t forget! Arterial (e.g. coronary) thrombosis is primarily a platelet mediated process (see efficacy of antiplatelet agents in ACS/PCI). Therefore, bridging strategies warrant an antiplatelet and not an anticoagulant agent. Anticoagulants not only do not have minimal platelet inhibitory effect, but can actually increase platelet reactivity (e.g. UFH). Only reversible antiplatelet agents can be considered for bridging therapy.
Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98 Proposed Bridging Protocols For Patients On DAPT Therapy With Aspirin Plus A P2Y12 Receptor Inhibitor Referred To Cardiac Or Noncardiac Surgery Bridging Strategy With Small-molecule GPI Low dose aspirin continued throughout START small molecule GPI (tirofiban, eptifibatide) STOP small molecule GPI (tirofiban, eptifibatide) RESUME small molecule GPI** (tirofiban, eptifibatide) Surgery STOP prasugrel STOP clopidogrel ticagrelor RESUME clopidogrel*** Day -7 -6 -5 -4 -3* -2 -1 -4-6 h +4-6 h Follow-up until discharge *Tirofiban: 0.1 mcg/Kg/min; If creatinine clearance <50 mL/min, adjust to 0.05 mcg/Kg/min. Eptifibatide: 2.0 mcg/Kg/min; If creatinine clearance is <50 mL/min, adjust to 1.0 mcg/Kg/min. **If oral administration not possible ***With 300-600 mg loading dose, as soon as oral administration possible. Prasugrel or ticagrelor discouraged Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98
Cangrelor Intravenous ADP–P2Y12 receptor antagonist Rapid acting: quick onset, quick offset Plasma half-life of 3–5 minutes 60 minutes for return to normal platelet function N H S C F 3 O P Cl 4Na +
Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98 Cangrelor Tirofiban Eptifibatide Onset of action Immediate Potent platelet inhibition Yes Plasma half-life 3-5 minutes 2 hours 2.5 hours Offset of action 1 hour 4-8 hours 4-6 hours P2Y12-specific No (Natural Bridge) “Targeted” Inhibition (thienopyridine–like) Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98
Angiolillo DJ et al. JAMA 2012;307:265-74 The BRIDGE Trial 400 Cangrelor Placebo n=84 n=78 350 n=84 n=75 n=76 n=73 n=57 n=34 n=24 n=14 n=86 n=2 300 n=80 n=70 n=55 n=33 n=7 n=1 n=6 n=85 250 200 VerifyNow PRU 150 100 50 Baseline Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Last on-infusion sample Pre-CABG sample Time Point N indicates number of patients with valid samples in the intention to treat population; PRU= P2Y12 reaction units; Data expressed as mean±SD Angiolillo DJ et al. JAMA 2012;307:265-74
Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98 Proposed Bridging Protocols For Patients On DAPT Therapy With Aspirin Plus A P2Y12 Receptor Inhibitor Referred To Cardiac Or Noncardiac Surgery Bridging Strategy With Cangrelor Low dose aspirin continued throughout START cangrelor* STOP cangrelor RESUME cangrelor** Surgery STOP prasugrel STOP clopidogrel ticagrelor RESUME clopidogrel*** Day -7 -6 -5 -4 -3* -2 -1 -1-6 h +4-6 h Follow-up until discharge *Initiate within 72 hours from P2Y12 inhibitor discontinuation at a dose of 0.75 mg/Kg/min for a minimum of 48 hours and a maximum of 7 days. **If oral administration not possible ***With 300-600 mg loading dose, as soon as oral administration possible. Prasugrel or ticagrelor discouraged Capodanno D and Angiolillo DJ. Circulation. 2013;128:2785-98
Is Cangrelor Ready For The Prime Time? […] There were zero votes in favor of approving cangrelor as a "bridge" therapy, mainly because the panel members again felt there wasn't sufficient evidence to provide an assessment of the risks and benefits. […] Source:
Limitations Of Current Guidelines Do not stratify bleeding risk for individual intervention. Do not stratify the risk of thrombosis in relation to the angiographic and clinical characteristics. Do not offer a general strategy to be applied to different types of interventions in relation to the risk of thrombosis and bleeding, but rather refer to an assessment of the risk / benefit ratio in the individual patient. Do not provide precise operational guidelines on the management of patients at high thrombotic risk candidate for surgery not be postponed. In case of necessity of withdrawal of antiplatelet therapy, do not specify the mode of recovery of antiplatelet therapy.
Rossini R et al. Eurointervention 2014 In press A Consensus Approach Perioperative Management Of Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Coronary Stents Undergoing Cardiac and non-Cardiac surgery: a Consensus Document from Italian Cardiological, Surgical, and Anesthesiological Societies Operative protocols of perioperative DAPT management in 14 types of surgery, resulting from a consensus between cardiologists and surgeons Cardiologists defined the ischemic risk Surgeons defined the bleeding risk linked to different operations in their field. Recommendations on the management of antithrombotic therapy on a “per-patient” and “per- intervention” basis Free App available in App Store and Google Play Stent&Surgery Rossini R et al. Eurointervention 2014 In press
What Should I Do If My ACS/PCI Patient Needs Surgery What Should I Do If My ACS/PCI Patient Needs Surgery? Case Examples and Closing Remarks Dental procedure and Dentist wants to stop DAPT Answer: Change Dentist. Minor Surgery and Surgeon wants to stop DAPT Answer: Change Surgeon. Major Surgery requiring DAPT discontinuation Answer: Always consider bridging with a reversible antiplatelet agent (e.g GPI, cangrelor when available), never an anticoagulant, re-start DAPT as soon as possible, and DON’T stop aspirin.