Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals The Periodic Table Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals
* Group 1 are the Most REACTIVE metals * Transition Metals Group 3 - Group 12 Physical Properties Chemical Properties Conductors (Heat and Electricity) Have Luster (Shiny) Malleable (rolled or flattened) Ductile (pulled in a wire) Solids at Room Temp *Except Mercury, symbol Hg Metals Corrode Corrosion: the deterioration of metals due to a chemical reaction with the environment Ex. Iron & Oxygen = Rust
Nonmetals Group 17 most Reactive Nonmetals (the Halogens) Group 18 least Reactive (the Nobel Gases) Life on Earth Depends on Nonmetals (H,C,N,O) Physical Properties Chemical Properties Poor Conductors Dull (not shiny) Brittle (Break easily) 4. Mostly Gases, a few Solids *Except Bromine is a Liquid Gain Electrons easily due to location in the higher groups Diatomic Molecule: Made up of two atoms Ex. Oxygen = O2 Hydrogen = H2
Metalloids Contain some properties of both metals and nonmetals All Solids at room temperature Metalloids are Semiconductors. They can conduct electric currents under some conditions, but not under others.